Higher Spanish 


1 Year / 240 Hours


Assignment - Writing & Performance - Speaking 


Question Papers; Reading & Writing & Listening 



What will you learn?

All four skills of Talking, Listening, Reading & Writing are developed by studying about Society, Learning, Employability and Culture. The same four contexts are dealt with in greater depth and breadth than at N4/5, and more detail and accuracy is required from students in their written and spoken work.

The four skills are also enhanced by watching films and videos and reading articles and short stories / short works of literature. Pupils are often required to write about these from a personal stance, focusing on at least one particular theme. 

Skills Developed:

Why do this course?

Learning a language enables candidates to make connections with different people and their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens. The ability to use language effectively lies at the centre of thinking and learning. Candidates reflect, communicate and develop ideas through language. This course provides candidates with the opportunity to develop skills in reading, listening, talking and writing, which are essential for learning, for work and for life; to use different media effectively for learning and communication; to develop understanding of how language works; and to use language to communicate ideas and information. 

What will you experience?

As for N5, with increasing emphasis laid on initiative, independent thought and research, responsibility, organisation and time management.

Key Facts 

Everything you need to know before selecting this course 


Pupils will sit a Talking exam and an end of year written exam. The latter will be externally assessed by SQA and will be graded A (70%+) – D (45%+). 


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, Humanities.  However, as a guide:


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis, this will be available on TEAMs. 

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course 



The study of languages develops vocationally valuable skills which can help keep career opportunities open.

Students of Languages can be found working in a wide range of careers such as:

Learner Experiences

I like languages because it is interesting and allows you to communicate with people from other countries.