N4/5 Travel & Tourism


1 Year / 160 Hours


N4: Unit Assessments

N5: Unit Assessments


N4: No Exam

N5: No Exam


No Cost

What will you learn?

Travel and Tourism aims to study the tourism industry in Scotland and the wider world while also developing employability skills in young people. 

Unit 1: Scotland

  • Investigating Tourism opportunities in Scotland​

  • Examining current Tourism Trends in Scotland​

  • Explaining Tourism in Scotland and identifying positives and negatives that tourism brings. ​

  • Creating a Scottish travel itinerary

Unit 2: Customer Service

  • Establish and respond to customer needs in a travel and tourism environment. ​

  • Promote a wide range of products and/or services from the travel and tourism industry. ​

  • Deal with a customer issue in a travel and tourism environment

Unit 3: UK and Worldwide

  • Investigating Tourism opportunities in the United Kingdom, Europe and a long-haul destination. ​

  • Examining current Tourism Trends around the world. ​

  • Explaining Tourism around the world and identifying positives and negatives that tourism brings. ​

  • Creating a travel itinerary based upon different scenarios and requirements.

Why do this course?

The course will provide pupils with the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, collecting, processing, investigation, comparing and interpreting/evaluating/analysing information. There will be opportunities to use and develop skills in ICT and Literacy Skills.

What will you experience?

A wide range of teaching strategies are used with classes, such as thinking skills, direct teaching, paired and/or group work. Work in class is supported through the use of work guides, ICT and other digital media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own as well as others progress. Pupils are expected to take on an early responsibility for their learning.

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course


There is no external assessment for this Course. Learners must successfully complete each Unit to achieve the Course.

The Units are internally assessed by centers and externally verified by SQA


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, Humanities. However, as a guide:

  • A pass a the previous NQ level. i.e. for National 5, a pass at National 4.

  • A recommendation on completion of BGE S3 Course


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis, this will be available on TEAMs.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


S5 – N5 Geography

S6 – Higher Geography

The successful completion of a course in Travel and Tourism should be seen as a stepping stone which will help gain entry to a course at a higher level either in school, at college or at university.


The following is a list of career areas where a qualification in Travel and Tourism may be seen as being useful.

Air Cabin Crew, Events Management, Tour Manager, Customer Service Manager, Marketing Executive, Outdoor Activities Manager, Travel Agency Manager, Hotel Manager, Tourist Information Center Manager.

Learner Experiences