Jodi Kinnard



(920) 845-2315 x207

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FIRST YEAR AT L-C: 2006-07


UW-Stevens Point (2004): Bachelor of Science in teaching Biology, Spanish and ESL

St. Norbert College (2008): Master of Science in education (emphasis on institutional change)


There are two things that I've always loved: language and working with children. So, becoming a teacher to speakers of other languages (ESL) was a natural choice for me. I am a graduate of Luxemburg-Casco High School. While in college, I spent a semester studying Spanish in Valladolid, Spain. I went on to earn my Bachelor's Degree from UW-Stevens Point and a Master's in teaching from St. Norbert College. I spent two years teaching bilingual science in Green Bay, before coming back "home" to Luxemburg-Casco.

I am married to Matt Kinnard and we have 3 young, energetic boys! My hobbies include directing the choir at church, camping, swimming, running, and watching sports with my family.