
Book Trailers

Grade Level - ELA Creative Communications, Grade 7

SOL/Standard - 7.2 The student will create multimodal presentations both individually and in a group that effectively communicate ideas.

Learning Experience

Students were asked to create a book trailer for their favorite novel. They were asked to find a summary online and paste it into a slideshow. Then they were expected to write their personal review without stating the same thing as what was stated in slide 2. This was a discussion about summarization and plagiarism. We then used a plot mountain design to break down the elements of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The class then watched a few examples of book trailers and discussed what parts of the plot mountain were and weren't displayed in the trailers. The class discussion noted that most trailers left off on the climax and did not spoil the ending of the book. Other elements discussed were the video and audio components that added to an effective book trailer. The students then generated book trailers using Canva or WeVideo, requiring students to describe events of the exposition and rising action that would make the audience want to read the novel being presented. 

The next part of the lesson would be for students to be randomly assigned and create "Genre Trailers" for the Moody Library. They will need to work collaboratively and enhance their partner's weaknesses.  

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"The best part of making this project was designing. I loved designing my trailer while incorporating elements from my summary. I also love making the effects. This helps the whole presentation come together." - Nivedya

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"This project gave students the chance to explore with a purpose. They picked their favorite novel then had to convince others to do the same using a short video that wouldn't give away the entire plot! " - Matthew R. Jones

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Click for the Book Trailer

Click for the Book Trailer

Click for the Book Trailer

Click for the Book Trailer

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: