
Frame By Frame: 

Animating Life Cycles

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

2nd Grade - Science

SOL/Standard - 2.4   The student will investigate and understand that plants and animals undergo a series of orderly changes as they grow and develop. 

Learning Experience

The students learned about the life cycle of different animals, specifically a butterfly, white-tailed deer, and a chicken. After learning about them, students were able to select which animal’s life cycle they wanted to create using stop motion film. They started by creating a habitat background, then they used Play-doh to show each stage of life in motion. The students were creative thinkers by planning their habitat and what they wanted their film to show. The students completed their learning by sharing their projects with two other 2nd grade classes who will be starting the same unit soon. They were able to share their knowledge of life cycles and the skill of creating stop motion films. Students shared ways that they could use stop motion film to showcase learning about other topics as an extension. 

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"Seeing my life cycle parts made from Playdoh come to life in my video was really cool!" - Ari

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"What an action packed experience! My students students have a deeper understanding of the life cycle of animals after creating their stop motion videos. They also learned a skill that may spark an interest for their future careers." - Ms. Kuff

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Ms. Kuff taught students about the different life cycles.

Students modeled the life cycle of a butterfly.

Students created their stop motion background and life cycle parts.

Students took still shots that created their stop motion video.

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: