Deep Run


Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

Multi-Grade Levels - Computer Science

SOL/Standard -
Algorithms & Programming
Computing Systems
Data & Analysis
Impacts of Computing
Networks & the Internet

Learning Experience

PatriotPerks was born from a deep well of empathy and a fierce passion for our nation’s veterans. As we made our way to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, we couldn’t ignore the sight of impoverished Vietnam veterans struggling to make ends meet. It was an emotional wake-up call that led us to delve into the stark statistics‚ 53% of veterans were unaware of their entitled benefits and the distressing levels of poverty among Virginia’s veterans. Their unwavering dedication to our country stirred a profound sense of responsibility within us. We envisioned a world where our heroes receive the recognition and support they truly deserve. PatriotPerks is our humble effort to honor their sacrifices, providing not just financial aid but also helping them in every aspect of life - from employment to affordable healthcare. Our hope is that, through this app, we can make a real difference in the lives of our veterans, igniting a brighter, more hopeful future for them, and inspiring others to do the same. 

What did the students learn about this experience:

"Throughout the development process, we encountered several technical challenges. A primary issue revolved around the scalability of our databases to accommodate the growing number of registered locations. Initially, we used Google Spreadsheets however, as our database expanded, we noticed a decrease in responsiveness. Eventually, after reviewing several databases we chose Microsoft Azure which allowed for larger quantities of data to be processed efficiently. For the majority of this project, we employed the SCRUM methodology to account for any uncertainties and to develop our plan to methodically complete different parts of our website."
- Abhijit, Sujash, and Yash 

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"I am so proud of how the team members worked together! Seeing their teamwork and determination to help our country's veterans pay off is truly inspiring.  You have shown what can be achieved with hard work and creativity. " - Will Caudle

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

PatriotPerks Video

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: