Springfield Park

Making Impactful Changes 

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

4th Grade - Social Studies

SOL/Standard -

Social Studies

VS.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographical analysis, economic decision making, and responsible citizenship by

g) explaining connections across time and place;

j) investigating and researching to develop products orally and in writing. 

Language Arts

LA 4.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings.

LA 4.2 The student will create and deliver multimodal, interactive presentations.

LA 4.3 The student will learn how media messages are constructed and for what purposes.

Learning Experience

The lesson began with students brainstorming about what important changes have taken place over the last 400 years in Virginia.   After brainstorming, students chose a topic such as transportation, fashion, technology, etc. and researched how it has changed over the last 400 years.  Students were then tasked to look at the first grade SOL’s to see what they were learning about past and present.   The students designed and created an original board game that they would introduce and play with students in another grade level to help them learn their topic of past and present.   Once this portion of the project was completed, students were then asked to think about a common thread amongst all the topics and what each inventor needed to possess.  The answer was they needed to all be literate.  With this, students were tasked to think of an idea on how they can spread the importance of literacy to our school community.   Students agreed upon having a literacy night for the community and planned a night with activities that would do just that.   Reading Glow Night was created. The HLP was demonstrated with Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and Global Citizenship.   After a successful Reading Glow Night, students reflected their thoughts on a Google Form, and they found they each grew in these areas a great deal.

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

" It held me more accountable for something big. These life ready skills will help me plan and be organized with other events. " - Bishoy

" I enjoyed being creative and making a change with the school and community. "- Lucy

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"I loved seeing the children’s excitement while planning and then having their plans come to fruition. They wanted so much to inspire others to read.

" - Melanie Moore

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Created games to help 1st grade with past/present.

Preparing for the big night.

Some green screen fun at our event.

Celebrating a successful night! 

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: