
Decimal Diner

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

4th Grade - Math

SOL/Standard - 5.CE.3 The student will estimate, represent, solve, and justify solutions to single-step and multistep problems, including those in context, using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimal numbers. 

Learning Experience

Students worked in teams to create a diner.  This included a  marketing business plan, creating a commercial advertising their diner, making a menu, budgeting needed materials, and waiting on and serving 5th graders that visited their diner.  This emphasized our study of decimal computation as it required students to calculate the bill for their customers as well as create realistic prices for the items on their menu.  They had to work as a team to create all of the required components and create a successful diner.  Upon completion of this PBL, students did a self reflection on their experience and growth. 

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

“What I learned is that opening a restaurant is fun, you learn a lot about the different types of people so it is such a great real world learning experience. We need to be prepared for anything, work under pressure, and have fun! ” Zuri 

“I learned that creating menus, working as a manager, and waiting tables is fun. It felt like I was really running a restaurant, and it is so important to work with your group to run a successful business.”  Gabby 

“It taught me to be prepared for anything! I loved taking orders because I was able to interact with the customers, and it helped me practice social skills and collaboration.”  Thomas 

“I liked creating a menu, it was fun to have the chance to put whatever we wanted on there. It is so important to see how people run a restaurant, it gives you empathy to understand what some people do as their real job.” Charlie 

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"I love how this life ready project gets students thinking about how what we learn in math class can be useful in daily life.  My favorite part is when they realize that running a restaurant and waiting on customers is a lot more challenging than they realized and develop greater compassion for those that do on a daily basis." Mrs. Kati Baum

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: