
                 Brick By Brick:                 Unleashing Forces With Legos

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

Grade Level - Second Grade


2.2 Force Motion The student will investigate and understand that different types of forces may cause an object’s motion to change. 

Learning Experience

In this collaborative project, students used Legos to construct models demonstrating real-world examples of force and motion. They applied the scientific method to investigate aspects of force and motion using their models. Throughout the project, students utilized critical thinking skills to observe, analyze, and reflect on their findings. To communicate their discoveries, students created a trifold and video to explain their learning process and outcomes. This project not only fostered a deep understanding of force and motion which employed critical thinking skills, but also honed their communication skills as they shared their learning. Brick by brick, they built knowledge and ignited curiosity—one Lego at a time! 

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"I learned the basketball model shows push, pull, and gravity because when we pull the launcher back, that shows pull and when we let it go, the catapult pushes the ball and then gravity pulls the ball down. Also, the closer the hoop was to the catapult, more shots were made."-Theo

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"I appreciated this project because it provided a dynamic platform for students to express their understanding of force and motion. It was designed to encourage creative exploration, fostering cooperative learning in group settings. Moreover, creating a trifold and communicating with others about the scientific method and discoveries made during the investigation showcased their comprehension and application of scientific concepts."-Mrs. Reilley

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Check out our journey with Brick By Brick: Unleashing Forces with Legos!

Step 1: We discussed what it means to be a good communicator and collaborator. Then, we worked in groups to build the Lego models that showed real-life examples of force/motion. 

2: We used the scientific method to investigate force/motion with fifth graders using the Lego models. We made observations, collected data, and drew conclusions by using our critical thinking skills. 

3: We created tri-folds to share what we learned using the scientific method from the investigations. 

Bobsled Investigation

Basketball Investigation

Tightrope Walker Investigation

Sail Car Investigation

Gravity Car Derby

Weightlifter Investigation

Hockey Investigation

4. We reflected about what we learned.

Weightlifter Investigation.mp4

Weightlifter Investigation

Sail car Investigation.mp4

Sail Car Investigation

Basketball Investigation.mp4

Basketball Investigation

Hockey Puck Investigation.mp4

Hockey Puck Investigation

Tightrope Walker Investigation.mp4

Tightroper Walker Investigation

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: