
Hero or Villain: Unleashing Superpowers of the Periodic Table

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

8th Grade - Physical Science

SOL/Standard - PS.4 The student will investigate and understand that the periodic table is a model used to organize elements based on their atomic structure

Learning Experience

This innovative project integrated science with creative expression, allowing students to deepen their understanding of the properties of elements while developing their Communication skills.

Initially, students engaged in self-reflection on their proficiency in the Communicator skill. This reflection set the stage for their growth during the project. Then they selected an element from the periodic table and started designing a superhero or villain. The character’s design, including its powers and characteristics, was linked to the properties of the chosen element, helping students develop a deeper understanding of the properties.

An important part of the project was a mini-lesson on effective communication, particularly how to give and receive feedback. Then students practiced these skills by offering and implementing feedback on each other’s superhero concepts. This exercise not only reinforced their understanding of the elements but also honed their communication skills.

The superheroes were brought to life with GenAI using the Animated Drawings digital resource further enhancing their engagement with the subject matter.

The final creations, displayed in the school hallway, are accompanied by QR codes linking to the animated versions with voice-overs. The student voice-overs explained how each superhero's design reflected the properties of the represented element and provided an interactive and educational exhibit for the school community.

As a final piece of the project, students reflected on the growth in their ability to communicate effectively through the lesson and the application of the learned skills.

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"This project challenged me to think about how I would represent the element as a character. I had to use critical thinking and research." - Isiah

"I was nervous about socializing but we had to talk to a partner to get feedback on our design. In life, you have to talk to people you don't know and sometimes work with people you don't like but you have to be able to cooperate and communicate." - Angelia

"In life, you have to be able to communicate no matter if it's a friend or not, you have to be able to communicate. " - Isaac

"When we were talking with our partners we were able to explain how our characters worked and ask questions.  That helped some people who didn't have any ideas.  We were able to talk about ideas they could include if they needed ideas." - Kingston

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"I liked that it gave students the chance to take personal interest in the periodic table. It's a hard subject to find personal connection to but creating a superhero or 'becoming' a superhero made it more personal and allowed their own spin!

- Mrs. Amber

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts


Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: