Hungary Creek

Art for a Cause:

Designing Awareness Posters to Educate, Advocate, & Motivate

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

7th Grade - Art 


VA 7.2 & 7.11

Learning Experience

In my Art 7 class, I engaged my students in a unique cross-curricular project that integrated Life Science, US History, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Health topics. In this project, students selected an awareness topic related to any of these subjects that resonated with them personally. Through their chosen topic, students explored connections between various disciplines and their own interests or concerns. They then expressed their understanding and advocacy for their chosen topic through the creation of a personalized awareness poster. Students also had the freedom to choose the medium that best suited their skills and preferences, allowing for individual expression and creativity. 

At the end of the project, students reflected on their choices, enhancing their understanding of the interdisciplinary connections and their own learning process. Through this learning experience,  students were able to deepen their empathy for those affected by the topics they chose as well as created a product that can then educate others on an important issue.

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"I think I have grown as a Global Citizen. This project deepened my empathy because I thought of all the animals in the river or around it and what they are going through and making these posters is a practical solution to raise awareness to other people." - Logan

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"It was hard to let go a little and have my students collaborate with me to create the structure for this project, but they really stepped up to the challenge!" - Ms. Shepard

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Students grouping up and filling out the peer feedback forms to evaluate their classmate's posters.

Angelina's Poster

Bug's Poster

Zion's Poster

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: