
Geological Time Model

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

Geological Eras.mp4

Grade Level - Earth Science


ES.9 The student will investigate and understand that many aspects of the history and evolution of Earth and life can be inferred by studying rocks and fossils. Key concepts include:

a.) traces and remains of ancient, often extinct, life are preserved by various means in many sedimentary rocks;

d.) rocks and fossils from many different geologic periods and epochs are found in Virginia.

Learning Experience

In this interactive lesson, students were given the following scenario:

The Museum of Natural History is looking to remodel its Geologic Time exhibit,  You have been tasked to create a new interactive Geologic Time Model that makes it easy to understand how life has changed and become more complex over time with a focus on Geologic time in Virginia. Your model should clearly represent the dominant species and climate of the Earth. 

Students selected their group and how they would display their learning.  The students had to work together and make decisions on how and who would research the different eras of time. They had to use their HLP skill of communicator throughout the entire process of the project working together in their group and making decisions.  They also through researching the information use the HLP skill of critical thinker deciding what information would be used and beneficial in their project. 

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"I know I grew as an individual because I learned a new skill of communication and critical thinking.  This skill is important because it prepares me for the real world.  I could get better in this skill by communicating more with my teachers, friends and other situations.  I will use these skills in school and potentially the workplace. " - Nadina P.

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"Overall, I enjoyed watching students complete this project because it allowed the students to work together, collaborate, communicate and become stronger critical thinkers. " - Stacie Berry

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Students building in Minecraft

Student Work Sample

Learning to build in Minecraft

Student Work Sample

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: