
Eggciting Explorations and Course Creations

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

3rd Grade - Science

Science 3.2 - The student will investigate and understand that the direction and size of force affects the motion of an object. 

Learning Experience

"Eggciting Explorations and Course Creations” is a dynamic experience where 3rd graders explore force, motion, and energy through hands-on experimentation with simple machines. Over the course of 4 weeks, students engage in discussions and activities to understand these concepts before embarking on the main project: designing and constructing a course for baby chicks that were incubated in their classroom. In small groups, they brainstorm, sketch, and build their courses, incorporating inclined planes, levers, and pulleys. Prior to the hatching of the chicks, Code & Go mice will be used to test their designs. The mice add an element of technology integration, while also demonstrating the use of wheel and axles. Throughout the process, students experiment, troubleshoot, and reflect on their designs. The culmination of the project involves testing their courses with baby chicks, observing how the chicks interact with the structures and discussing the scientific phenomena at play. Students present their creations to their peers, showcasing their understanding of force, motion, and energy and their ability to apply these concepts creatively. This immersive experience not only reinforces academic learning but also cultivates teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. 

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"I learned being a critical thinker is important. We collaborated and made a product and it was great making it. I had ideas and they had ideas and put those ideas together. My favorite part of the project was working together and getting to test them with the chicks. " - Marvin

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"Throughout working on the Henrico 21 project, I thoroughly enjoyed watching my students get to be collaborators and critical thinkers. They were able to combine their learning from math, science, and engineering in to one amazing project!" - Ms. Blackburn

Ward Scholars Implementing Life Ready Skills 

Conceptualizing and designing the maze

Planning the path

Constructing the walls & adding in simple machines

Testing the designs with Code & Go mice

Student presentations of learning 

The true test- Go, chicks, go!

A pulley, a lever, and some decoy food

Successful students! The chicks...not so much 

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: