
Minecraft: Space Theme Park Project

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

Grade Level - 5th-Grade

SOL/Standard - Earth and Space Systems (4th-grade review)

4.5 The student will investigate and understand that the planets have characteristics and a specific place in the solar system.

Learning Experience

"The Space Theme Park Project" is an interesting and innovative educational experience designed to help students understand Earth and Space Systems. Using Minecraft, students design a theme park based on the eight planets, which helps them develop important Henrico Learner Profile skills such as creative thinking, collaboration, effective communication, and digital tools. The project is a great way for students to learn valuable research, planning, design, and presentation skills, while enhancing their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities. By reflecting on their growth throughout the project, students gain insights into their strengths and become aware of areas needing improvement, which can inspire them to adopt a growth mindset. Overall, "The Space Theme Park Project" is an excellent way for students to develop essential skills while enjoying the process of learning about the universe. 

"Minecraft allows kids to use their imagination, have fun,  and learn at the same time. I used what I knew about science for my space theme park and mixed it with my creative thinking skills. We had to keep rebuilding to improve it, but that's part of the process. And guess what? We got it done"! - Andrea,  5th-grade Student

"This project was interactive, innovative, collaborative, and applied space and science knowledge to something students enjoy – Minecraft! We had lots of fun creating the solar system digitally". – Ms. Valva,  5th Grade Teacher

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Design Thinking (Brainstorming, Design)

Design Thinking

(Creating, Testing, Redesigning)

"Saturn's Rings" Roller Coaster

Reflection - "How did you improve as a creative thinker"?

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: