Crafting Communicators

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

5th Grade - Social Studies, Science, ELA

SOL/Standard - 

5.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade. 

5.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources for a research product. 

5.3 The student will learn how media messages are constructed and for what purposes. 

5.2 The student will use effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to deliver planned oral presentations. 

5.1 The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject-related group learning activities.

Crafting Communicators

5th Grade Journey to Unique Presentations 

Throughout their 5th grade year students were presented with research projects that challenged them to create presentations to share their learning in a unique and captivating way.  Students were challenged to consider the target audience, and how to utilize media tools such as Adobe Express, BookCreator, Scratch Jr coding, Google Slides, WeVideo etc, to engage their audience.  Students were given the freedom to choose the platform and design challenge that sparked their interest.  Options ranged from “Time Traveler Video” to “Coded Storytelling” to “Now and Then Scrapbook” and even an interactive Museum.  In each presentation opportunity perspective taking was encouraged. 

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Chosen Platform: Scratch JR

Chosen Platform: Canva

Chosen Platform: WeVideo

Chosen Platform: BookCreator

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: