
Mouse Maze Masterminds: 

Students Designing Robotic Routes

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

Kindergarten - Math


K.3b - The student will count backward orally by ones when given any number between 1 and 10.

Learning Experience

In this experience, students delve into the world of robotics and critical thinking as they construct mazes using Keva planks for coding the Code and Go Mice. As they design pathways, students are challenged to consider spatial relationships, problem-solving, and the sequential nature of coding.

To reinforce the concept of counting backward from 10 to 1, students strategically place obstacles and twists in their mazes, requiring the robot mice to navigate in reverse order. This hands-on approach not only solidifies numerical concepts but also cultivates perseverance and resilience as students iterate and adjust their designs.

Furthermore, the activity cultivates our Henrico Learner Profile skills, particularly Critical Thinking, as students explore various maze configurations and anticipate potential outcomes. They are encouraged to evaluate their designs critically, considering factors such as efficiency and effectiveness in guiding the robot mice through the maze.

As students engage in constructing and coding their mazes, they actively reflect on their growth as learners. Through collaborative discussions and self-assessment, they identify challenges they encountered, strategies they employed, and insights gained throughout the process. This reflective practice encourages metacognition and empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey, building confidence and a growth mindset along the way.

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

“I had a lot of fun-my favorite part is building the maze. I used to get upset when my mouse didn't do what I wanted in our maze, but then, I learned to believe in myself. I just need to keep trying.”- Daniel

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"We enjoyed this project because it not only allowed the kids to practice content but also experience different ways of learning and demonstrating what they have learned."- Annemarie Ignatowicz and Emily Evans

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible:

Emily Evans, Teacher 

Annemarie Ignatowicz, Teacher