
Casting Shadows to Create a Human Sundial

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

3rd Grade - Social Studies

SOL/Standard - 

3.7  The student will describe how people in ancient world cultures adapted to their environment.

3.8  The student will demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and the natural, human, and capital resources they used in the production of goods and services.

Learning Experience

Monthly, our school community focuses on one “habit” and “attitude” of disciplined decisions to be successful in the classroom. One of our monthly  “habitudes” is adaptability. Students can clearly identify the characteristics of being adaptable in their daily lives in and out of school such as resilience, resourcefulness and how these connect to other “habitudes” such as curiosity. Students carry these seven “habitudes”, imagination, curiosity, self-awareness, perseverance, courage, passion, and adaptability, into their personal and academic lives daily to make connections and live out the Henrico Learner Profile. 

Students will use the app Canva to present how the ancient Egyptian’s innovation of the sundial modeled adaptability in ancient times and its impact on the world today. They will model an understanding of how the ancient Egyptians influenced how we tell time today and their use of natural resources to adapt to their environment and be successful by sharing the process of creating a “Human Sundial” on our school blacktop using images throughout the process of development. Students will explain the process in design and will model how the resource works. In conclusion, students will take their learning out of the classroom, creating a resource for all Kaechele coyotes to enjoy, while sharing the development digitally for all Henrico students and staff to enjoy as well. 

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"The sundial was important to the Ancient Egyptians because if helped them tell the time and do certain activities in their culture.  This was a fun activity and required our class to work together.  Even though we did this project this year, it can be used for many years to come. Other Kaechele students can have fun seeing the time without a watch or clock " - Aahil

"Ancient Egyptians made a lot of things that we still use today.  We learned to be patient and to find the correct weather.  Next year the other Kaechele students can see our sundial and use it to learn.  This project used teamwork.  We collaborated with another 3rd grade class. It required us to record the shadows, mark the months, and paint the final project.  I also learned how to use Canva." -Sherry

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"It was so rewarding to see the excitement in our students as they brought their learning to life and truly connected an ancient civilization's contribution with their world today" - Monica Bagley

"Seeing the creative thinking and application in 3rd grade was great. Seeing all grade levels enjoying using the sundial and adapting the resource for other learning opportunities was incredible." -Stephanie Fosberg

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: