
Mavs United

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) 6C Focus

Multi-grade Level - LIEP & World Languages



Learning Experience

Mavs United is a student-led tutoring initiative that takes place during Freeman High School’s Directed Study block each day.  Through these Directed Study classes, Multi-Language Learners (MLLs), primarily from Central and South America, receive tutoring and support from their peers and are encouraged to learn English and pass their courses. 

The backbone of the initiative consists of English speaking student leaders who are proficient in another language and/or are passionate about engaging with others to help them adjust to school in the United States.  Most of the student leaders are enrolled in AP language classes and can practice the target language in authentic ways as they tutor and work with MLLs.  All students involved are permanently assigned to the directed study classes, which span three classrooms and are overseen by World Languages and LIEP teachers.  

Each Wednesday, the student leaders facilitate short lessons that teach the MLL students a practical skill, including how to check their grades, email a teacher, write a resume, and schedule an appointment with a counselor.

Because MLL students’ families often have limited English skills, many of these students have no one to advocate for them.  As both mentors and friends to MLLs through Mavs United, the Mavs United student leaders are responsible not only for tutoring but also for working with teachers and staff to help support all students, regardless of language barriers.  The faculty mentors meet regularly with administrators and also present mini-professional learning segments at faculty meetings in an effort to ensure that everyone at Freeman High School is heard and represented. 

In summary, Mavs United assists in providing a resilient and supportive community that uplifts each other. It connects all groups of students and teachers, something essential for all institutions.

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"When I first joined Mavs United, I had no idea how transformative it would be on my ability to empathize with others, my perception of the realities of the United States’ school and immigration systems, and my understanding of our ability to transcend language barriers with compassion and perseverance. Mavs United is not just a place for academic growth—it is a welcoming environment for people of all different cultures, languages, and walks of life to come together, help each other, and form lasting friendships." - Liah

"When I enter the Mavs United classroom, I can say with complete assurance that I feel a sense of connection, belonging, and, undoubtedly, community. Over this school year, Mavs United has been a place of acceptance, uplifting to everyone. For example, when our class heard that a mentee passed their SOL or that a mentee got into the ACE center, everyone was ecstatic and proud. It is challenging and demanding for a student to start at a new school taught in a language they do not know, but these people have braved all the trials life has given them. This community is built on a shared understanding. These people might not always be given the respect or attention they deserve, but they will keep fighting. While we might not completely understand their struggles, they still welcome us into their lives. We are here to create an impact in their lives and help our school for the better." - Anna

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"Facilitating Mavs United is an experience unlike any other I’ve had in my 25 years as an educator. What started as a simple idea of tutoring three newcomer multilingual learners has blossomed into three full classrooms of teacher facilitators, peer mentors, and ML students who have bonded as both friends and academic partners.  Witnessing the caring and supportive environment fostered by this student-created initiative highlights how truly special the Freeman Family is. I am proud to work with these wonderful students,  and I’m excited to see the next chapters unfold for Mavs United." - Ms. Sarah-Henning Snellings

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Mavs United Website

Mavs United Photos

Mavs United Semester Check-In

Semester 1 Reflection Meeting

Semester 1 Reflection Form

Mavs United Materials

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: