
Moving Through History

2nd Grade - Social Studies

SOL/Standard - 2.4 The student will describe how the contributions of selected individuals changed the lives of Americans, with emphasis on George Washington Carver, Thurgood Marshall; Rosa Parks; Jackie Robinson; Benjamin Franklin; Helen Keller.

Learning Experience

This project supported student learning about famous Americans.  At the start of this project, students discussed the variety of tools they have used in the classroom to support their learning.  From a list of resources,  students determined that DiscoveryEd, BrainPopJr, and Epic would be applications that would best support their learning goals.  As students started researching, the conversation naturally flowed to how they could summarize ideas without using each others’ words.  A graphic organizer helped focus students’ research as they were discovering why their person was important, how they helped people, why they wanted to do great things, as well as any other interesting information.  When research was complete, students planned and built their famous American with the criteria that they would look like the person, as well as have a symbol to show why their person is significant.  When the famous American was build, students attached a Hummingbird Robotics kit to it, and programmed the robotics kit to light-up and the servo motors to move.  Students additionally used Scratch to program their computer to share the important facts about their famous American, which the start point is triggered when people move within a certain distance to their computer.

What did the student(s) learn about this experience:

"When you build a robot it doesn't take only 3 steps.  Sometimes you have to rebuild a lot.  Programming can be a challenge, but with teamwork, it helps make things easier" - Juan

"I learned that I like to choose my own materials, and I liked making my own decisions. Building was fun!  I learned how to connect wires to a brain to my project, and the wires made my project's eyes light up and her arm to move." -Mary

What did the teacher enjoy about this experience:

"What an awesome experience for all students!!  I loved seeing so many smiling faces and getting excited to share their fun ideas to add to their projects.  The students were able to show their creativity and knowledge while having fun working on this project.  It doesn’t get better than this!" - Mrs. Julie Jung

Additional Pictures, Media & Artifacts

Building our famous Americans.

Programming our micro:bit. 

Attaching our robotic parts.

Final projects!

Thank you to the innovators who helped make this experience possible: