Choices & Decisions

What about Choices and Decisions?

The Picture below shows how quick, spur of the moment emotional decision-making, can lead to life-long change.  Obviously, this person could get the tattoo removed but that would cost a TON of money and may leave scarring.  


The video to the left depicts a class simulation where a bowl represents your skull and milk represents your brain followed by an explanation about teen decision-making.  For the "bowl of milk" simulation, each drop of food coloring is an influence and message you receive about behaviors (drugs, sex, whatever).  The drop of dish liquid represents a single ounce of teen hormones.  The reaction is representative of what is going on in your brain..a "kaleidoscope of confusion

"bowl of milk & Decisions"

The video above is an older lesson video but still applicable. Some of the content on the this page has changed since it was created.

The image to the left shows a common cliche phrase stating that there are many roads to take and you have to decide which road is "your path" .  Every decision you make has results/consequences.   

BELOW:  IMAGES of a few COMMON Decision making models and also a motivational statement taken from an instagram post about 2 years ago       

  FOR MORE INFORMATION ON PROBLEM SOLVING:  SEE  the Resolution Section of the Conflict Resolution page OR The Stress Management Page

the above image captured from