What is Personal Saftey?  It can be argued that personal safey can be ANY topic in Health Education right?  This is certainly true but when used as a unit or topic, Personal Safety essentially means information to prevent or limit accidental injury or dangerous situations.  Use the slideshow to the left (you can make it larger) to see very basic information on a wide variety of safety topics.

Use the banners below to navigate to other pages on this site teaching about specific aspects of Personal Safety 

It is recommended that everyone take an American Red Cross First Aid Course at some point in their life.  The Red Cross has both free and paid options but you should register through them to take it.  


The Accident Chain 

The graphic to the right is taken from the slideshow at the top of the page.  It shows a chain of unfortunate events that resulted in an accident.  In order to prevent the resulting accident from happening, any link in the chain could've been broken.   

Can you prepare for and plan out every single action in your life?  No.  But by following simple steps, you can prevent many accidents 

1) Follow all rules and guidance about the activity you're doing

2) Wear protective equipment when it's suggested (bike helmets, seat beats, kitchen gloves etc) 

3) SLOW DOWN.  Many accidents happen because we are simply going too fast 

4) PAY ATTENTION to your surroundings 

5) Be Careful nor careless


Implementing the Cardiac Chain of Survival. CLICK TO SEE HOW ANYONE CAN START THE CHAIN

Just a Few Specific Topics


Weather Related Dangers

Infant and Toddler Safety

Click here for Prevention of Self-Injury and/or Suicide Prevention?

Looking for Violence, Bullying etc?  Click here