Importance and Need for Sleep

SLEEP is one of the least talked about things when it comes to staying healthy across all areas of PISES.  However, it's one of the most important.  Sleeping allows our bodies to not only reenergize but also repair it's self.  We need sleep, Yet, so many young people do not get enough of it.  This page explores sleep and helps you better understand it's importance



PBS video

31:25-39:00 speaks about sleep

Sleep and Teens (Emliy Bronson)

The Teen Brain explained (Sci Show) 

 (This is the same as on the "teen brain" main page.  It speaks about sleep around minute 7) 

How much sleep do teens need for better memory (Jared Cooney Howarth)

How Long should naps be (and stages of sleep) by Sarah Mednick on TedED

How much sleep do you need (AsAP Science)

A Walk through the Stages of Sleep (TedEd)

Circadian Rhythm and your Brain's Clock (SCI SHOW)

Understanding our Sleep Cycle (My workplace Health)