Gun Violence in America

Gun Violence is a terrible epidemic that is certainly, a major health issue in America as thousands of young people are murdered each year by firearms across the nation.  The vast majority of these shootings are associated with violent crime or drugs and carried out with firearms that are either stolen or purchased illegally.   The amount of gun violence in urban areas / big cities is staggering and in Philadelphia specifically, close to 500 Murders by Firearms were reported in 2021.  2022 and 2023 saw declines but still, over 350 murders by firearms in 2023 show this is still an ongoing and massive problem of epidemic proportions.

(click here to expand this section and read more)

The numbers are staggering and heart-breaking particularly in big urban areas like Philadelphia where in 2020, there is not only a surge in gun violence but a gun violence epidemic that rocked the city all summer (published August 20, 2020) and continued through all of 2021 where sadly, a record-breaking number of murders by firearms occured.  In 2022, daily news reports of gun violence continue to contaminate the city and the numbers are still on pace to reach nearly 500 deaths again.  Below this text is posted specific statistics for Philadelphia from the city controller's office

Though less common, mass shootings have increasingly become a problem in the United States where schools, malls, places of worship and movie theaters have become targets of senseless and horrific shootings perpetrated largely by legally obtained firearms.  In addition, many people who die by self-inflicted gunshot wounds (suicide) do so with legally owned firearms.  

Although the day-to-day violence perpetrated by illegally obtained firearms is a much bigger national and local health concern, the mass shootings, self-inflicted fatalities, and ease of obtaining high-powered weapons fuel the argument for gun control more than any other and often turn it into a political debate where people debate the right to bear arms for self-defense, as indicated in the 2nd Amendment, and the dangers associated with a large number of guns in circulation rather than focus on the real causes of said gun-violence.   

Pro-Gun activists often try to shoot-down (pun intended) legislation calling for background checks or stricter legislation whereas in some states, it is actually easier to obtain a firearm than it is to obtain a Driver's License!   The opposite trend is that Anti-Gun activists often try to eliminate the sale of guns and make statements such as "a right to own a gun is trumped by the right not to be shot by one" famously stated by New Yorker magazine Columnist Andy Borrow.  

In reality of course, there must be a middle-ground to this argument.  People should be able to legally own firearms BUT that legislation should provide laws that help to keep people safe. Suggestions have been made that  enhanced background checks should take place, mandated courses in the safe handling and correct, legal use of firearms and some states have increased  the penalties for the illegal possession and use of a firearm.  

This webpage is intended to provide information on the statistics involving gun violence in America and Philadelphia AND information on the debate, from both sides, so that students can view both sides and determine their point of view.   


By the numbers:  

After you click on the links above or map to the left, scroll down and use filters to get more specific data.  

roughly 60% of Gun Violence Victims are under the age of 30 

nearly 90% of victims are male 

in July 2022, 91% of victims are people of color identified as Black or Hispanic with 77% of victims identified as Black. (non-hispanic).  These numbers spell out a massive health care and safety problem for people in the Black and Latino communities in the city of Philadelphia.    

Other Violence Articles and Statistics  

What is the Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine

Note: For General Self-Defense, Pennsylvania has a stand-your-ground law, which means "that people have the right to use force without a duty to retreat. 

This law applies in your home, workplace, or in a public place where you have a right to be. 

The law allows people to use physical force to protect themselves or others if they feel their safety is threatened. 

This includes lethal force if someone believes it is immediately necessary to protect themselves against:

The law does not apply if you're the initial attacker or the intruder is clearly harmless.  Pennsylvania's stand-your-ground law is an expanded version of the castle doctrine?.  (

Philadelphia's Youth Grapple with the prevalence of gun violence in their city (ABC NEWS, June 23 2022)

Gun violence: An American epidemic? 

(ABC News, Oct 2021)

Not the problem you think 

(Colion Noir, 2019) 

The Guns Debate