Self-Harm & Self-Injury



MANY students viewing this page know what Self-Harm or Self-Injury is and may even know someone that self-harms or Self-Injures. They may even Self-Harm or Self-Injury themselves.  NOTHING posted on this page is intended to glorify Self-Harm or promote it.  

It is all intended to be educational.  Viewing this page is optional and you may certainly opt-out of this class.  There is no formal assignment associated with this other than a quick review discussion at the conclusion of each class unless you choose to work on this topic on an independent project.  

If you think you may be triggered by learning more about this topic, you already know content OR don't want to know the content on this page, don't expand it or click on it.   


CALL: Dial 988 

TEXT: "go", "help", or "brave" to 741741  

Self Harm quickly explained: 

"Self Harm, also known as Self-Injury,  Self-Abuse and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, is "any deliberate behavior that intentionally causes harm to one's own body"  It's typically not meant as a suicide attempt.  Rather, Self-Harm is usually conducted with the intention of coping with emotional pain or relieve or control intense anger and frustration.  (mental health america & Mayo Clinic)    

"While self-Harm may bring a momentary sense of calm and a release of tension, it's usually followed by guilt and shame and the return of painful emotions.  Although life-threatening injuries are usually not intended (aka, most people who self-harm are not intending to take their lives), with self-injury comes the possibility of more-serious and even fatal self-aggressive actions. (mental health america & Mayo Clinic)" 

CLICK ARROW TO EXPAND IF you want to read the most common type of self-injury that is reported and other common examples

The most common form of self-injury is cutting though there are SEVERAL things people do.  

If you would like to see a longer list, you can view it here but we don't typically show it in class anymore because past students were very much triggered by it.

 Typically, these things are done in secret and on places of their body that can not easily be seen.  People that self-injure often cover up the scars with long sleeves even on warmer days.  Thus, it should be noted that this is not something people are typically proud of doing and some specialists have categorized the short-lived "high"  to that of addiction.  

Positive vs Negative Coping Strategies (click to expand)

When you reviewed or learned for the first time the information on Anger Control or Stress & Stress Management, you reviewed several different POSITIVE ways to control Emotions and Manage Stress and life's daily pressures.   Recall a positive technique or method is something that does not harm someone else, something else or one's self.  Since non-suicidal Self-Harm is intended as a coping mechanism, it can be categorized and should be understood as a Negative Coping Strategy.  

As indicated in the definition at the top of this page, Self-Harm or Self-Injury, although negative, often brings temporary relief to the individual doing it. 


To most people, the idea of using harm to feel better is irrational.  To a person who self-harms, it may be the only thing they feel "works".  


On the contrary, it is the hope that for those who do self-harm, you will find alternative methods of relief. For those that don't Self-Harm but have friends that do, it is further information to help you understand what they are going through and need from you.  It is likely, some of you already learned this information on your own.    For those who are lucky enough to not Self-Harm or know anyone that does (are you so sure????), it's good to know just in case the time ever comes you do meet someone that did or does self-harm.  

Why do people Self-Harm? (click to expand)

There are many sites of course that offer helpful information and support but there are an equal if not more amount of social media posts, images, and quotes that suggest Self-Harm is a trendy fad or way to seek attention. 

SELF HARM IS NOT a fad or trend and it is certainly NOT a way to get attention.  

As mentioned in the expanded section above, typically, people that self-harm do it in secret so it does not make sense they want attention.  

When Self-Harm is vocalized or shared, it is a subconscious call for acceptance and  help

There is a video from  Seeker/DNews below that asks "why do people self-harm?"  Some key points of the video are:

People Self-Harm to 

a) Let out intense emotions       b) Self-punishment        c) Control (physical pain vs heart pain)     

d) Relax/calm down after a “trigger"   ("reset")            

 e) let out the negativity (visually see blood or bruises   

f) Making sure this is "real"   

and a variety of other possible reasons.  


To the left, is the typical Self Harm Cycle. This particular version of the image was taken from The Mayo Clinic

Before someone enters this cycle, they are faced with a Stressor, multiple Stressors, a Traumatic Event(s), or a combination of multiple things happening to them both internally and externally that cause a strong emotional response.  As is the process, the boy activates the Fight or Flight Response.  Whereas some people practice positive stress management techniques to alleviate this stress and other people don't do anything, some people enter this self-harm cycle.  

They may enter the self-harm cycle initially at the sections that read emotional suffering, emotional overload or panic then, at some point, get an idea to self-harm for comfort (often due to movies, television, pop culture or more recently social media although some people intrinsically "know" about it by unknown means) 

 As you can see, Once in the cycle, it is repetitive and difficult to stop

What to do to help someone...

SO....What can you do to help? 

The graphic to the left popped up on google image search.  As you read it, it is meant for a parent/guardian or caregiver.  But, you can easily adapt it to responses you may have if you find that a friend is self-harming.

There is no one easy all in one answer

Below are answers previous classes gave

1)  Treat it seriously - 

don't diminish or excuse it

2) Be supportive, show patience, caring and try  to understand. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just be there for them. 

"Love on Them" 

2)  Talk about it  - Don't avoid it 

3) If they are not getting professional help 

encourage them to seek it or report it 

(their parents? a school counselor?) 


4) Don’t act in anger, frustration or blame

5) Don’t try to force them to stop BUT try to give or remind them of alternatives and other options

6) Listen to their struggles but remember, you are not a counselor! Listening is different than giving advice.  Only speak what you really know but offer to go with them maybe 

7) Help them treat underlying problems not just the specific act of self harm/injury. 

Education and options NOT correction

 What else can we do for help??????

Participate in advocacy projects such as a social media post, a walk, participating in the World Wide Self Injury Awareness Day (March 1) and things like the "Butterfly Project" (scroll down).  Let your friends know you are doing it to support them but of course, never put their name or any identifying characteristics out there takes effort and time but you can make it so that 

Can Change to 

Self-Injury Awareness Day/Month

Featured Videos 

TRIGGER Warning:  They are not graphic with images but each of the 4 videos are very open and quick to list methods of self-harm and explanations why.  

Self Harm and Self Care: How to cope (Psych2Go)

14 Self-Harm Misconceptions (Like Kristen)

101 Self-Harm Alternatives (Amy Christina)

Why do people [self harm] (Seeeker/Dnews) 

it says cutting in title but speaks about other acts of self-harm

Featured Project:  The Butterfly Project

THE Painting above was made by an anonymous Rush Arts Student from the class of 2020 showing awareness and care for those who self-harm 


This text box is written by Mr. Corabi but A LOT of the words are taken from the

Whenever a specific phrase is used from that page, it is linked


The goal is to NOT self-harm as long as the butterfly is there.  Some people have gotten tattoos of butterflies and quotes to celebrate their success

Variations:   Give your butterfly a name to make it more real to you.  Perhaps let a friend or family member draw it for you and let them name it. Then, they ask you to take care of it for them. (makes it real and responsibility given to you by someone else).   

You can also do this to advocate for a friend who self harms but by drawing it on yourself. 

an alternative to a butterfly is to write the names of your friends and family, so that when you feel the need to self injure, you are reminded that you are important and loved.


other sources including the CDC state that 3 out of 5 people who specifically "cut" are female

Articles, Websites & Other Resources

Trigger Warning:  Many of these pages and articles list examples of self-harm. To my knowledge, there are no images