Suicide is...(click expand arrow to read more)

No words can describe the pain associated with it:  Not the mental and emotional pain associated with those contemplating it nor the pain felt by those left behind if someone succeeds.

This page is meant for educational purposes only.   

Click the Expand arrow and scroll down to view a lot  more information 

  There is no formal assignment about this content.  You will not directly find an article on this page saying "why do people die by suicide" but potential reasons may be embedded into articles or other videos.  Why?  There is no one answer.  The reasons why someone gets to the point where they think or know they can take their own life are as broad as looking at the horizon from left to right while standing on a shoreline.  What we CAN say is that a suicide attempt is a clear indication that something is gravely wrong in a person’s life and that they need help!   

What you will find when your scroll down- are ways to get help, education to help you find warning signs, people's (survivors) past struggles,  statistics, articles, organizations and advocacy to help someone in need!   

As stated previously, we can not single it into one specific reason although there are multiple articles and videos you can search that will list some.  When you cross-reference work from the CDC, AFSP, Mental Health America, and, you will be able to find that  

In fact, according to Mental Health America, "most suicide attempts are associated with some form of Mental Illness and as many as 30-70% suffer from Major (Clinical) Depression).   It should also be noted that having a mental illness does not immediately mean the person will consider suicide.  Those who seek treatment are given treatment, medications, tools and techniques that often help.

There are many many more reasons as simple as they feel they "can't take it anymore" to as complex as they want to remove burdens from their loved ones (and they feel they are the burden).  

HOWEVER:  A person considering taking their own life CAN get help.    They can get treatment including counseling, therapy, medications, and other treatments.  It may be a long road but they CAN BE STRONG or GET STRONG. 

 If you are thinking about Suicide, get help today!  Be brave and tell someone.    If you are ever faced with a friend or family member who is talking about it or considering it, you NEED to have the education and tools to know what to do! 

SCROLL DOWN To see information on how to recognize warning signs, about what to do, what not to say, and if you are a true friend/family member or you really love them, help them know that no matter the struggle, someone will be there to help carry them...they are not in it completely alone.   They have to do the work, but someone will be there with them.   

Special Note:  

This page will not examine the issue of Physician Assisted Suicide for terminally ill people.  That is an entirely different topic.   

Need Help?  Know Someone that needs help?

If in school, tell the Counselor or Nurse right away.  

If at home, tell your parents. 

CALL: Dial 988 

TEXT: "go", "help", or "brave" to 741741  


Know the signs and keys to help

Things to do to help someone who may be suicidal 

 1. Stay with them

2. Ask outright

3. Keep them safe

4.  Be Respectful & Acknowledge Their Feelings

5. Believe them 

6. Encourage them to tell someone. If they won't, you may need to

7. Help them talk to a therapist and/or find services that will support them

8.  Make a Safety Plan

Having a safety plan with someone who is in crisis can make a positive difference. It can help them get through moments that seem unbearable if they know a plan is in place and help is available. 

9. Follow up (it's not a 1 and done scenario)

Featured Videos

Special Note:  There are a TON of videos about suicide prevention that include deaths.  I tried not to include any of those.  Along with that, the playlist contains a couple music videos about Suicide Prevention. There are lots of artists since 2000 who have written songs speaking about suicide and suicide prevention as a way to advocate for change and give people hope and second thoughts but many of the videos are graphic and thus, also not included.  What are some videos you watched or songs that you listened to that are powerful for you?  Talk to your teacher about them OR include them in a reflective constructed response.  Maybe make a playlist and share?  

I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and lived: Story of Kevin Hines (buzzfeed)

Suicide attempt survivors offer insight and advice (CBS news, 2018).  This is a very powerful and to the point discussion from the mouths of survivors.  Do not watch this if you may be triggered.

Shattering the Silence: Youth Suicide Prevention | (Sadie Penn TEDxYouth)

Jason Reid's son died by suicide.  Now he's on a mission to eradicate suicide by 2030 (Goalcast)

I have now lived 16 years past the day I should have died.." - KEVIN HINES - Global Storyteller, Author & Filmmaker.  Purchase and Watch the full length documentary of his struggle and his survival OR watch the first 20 minutes for free on YouTube

Articles, websites and other Resources


This course covers general Mental Health, Stress/Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide Prevention.  It is FREE and from the National Federation of High Schools which is the official organization that creates rules for high school sports and supports the Arts.  IF you complete the course, it is worth BONUS 50 points for class participation


Advocacy and Awareness

September is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month