Responsible Driving

Driver's Education and Safety

People need to be mobile and throughout human history, people have moved from one place to another.  Early civilizations primarily walked or used animals to ride on.  Roads were built for the people to travel.  In the late 1800's and early 1900's, "horseless carriages" were replaced by (what we would now think of as) simple cars.  As technology increased, the number of cars on the road increased as well.  Today in the U.S. , with interstate highways, people can move faster in cars than ever before.  Along with this, the number of driver's have also increased. 

However, driving is a privilege and REAL responsibility that takes serious care.   This page will help students at the Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush, prepare for and learn about safer driving.    

Use the logo to the left to get an official copy of the PA Driver's Manual from PA Department of Motor Vehicles. 

Want to take a practice exam?  

OR Download the official app on your phone  

Need something else from Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles and stumbled onto this page, CLICK HERE

This page has it all!  Driving laws for Drivers under 18, how to get a permit, laws while with a permit, Saftey quizzes (via facebook groups) helpful tips for teens and parents/guardians, zero tolerance rule and more! 

CLICK ON THE BANNERS below to visit additional pages promoting Safety

The banner above will take you to the Alcohol topic page.  Use the Slideshow or scroll down to the laws section to read about Drinking and Driving in PA.  You should also look at the videos "Every 15 minutes" or "Shattered Dreams"