
Obviously, there are a wide-variety of relationships each one of us as humans are a part of and as such, can be a complex topic to examine and develop.   As you scroll down on this page, you will see text defining, explaining, and categorizing "Relationships".   Although it is important to understand our relationships, it's more important to recognize the qualities of healthy relationships, identify our roles in making relationships successful, and examine the importance of relationships.  Although the material on the topic pages of this mini-unit can be interpreted and applied to almost any relationship, the primary focus is on relationships with close friends and dating relationships.   This is because for a teen, these relationships can be the source of great fulfillment, enjoyment reward while for others, a source of anxiety, disappointment and pain.  


This topic will also be included in the end-of-unit choice projects for the Sexual Health Unit

The BIG Questions

What are qualities of healthy relationships?                

How important are relationships to me?

How do I identify and protect myself from Dating Violence  

How do I save relationships while solving disagreements


Not Together

Madeline Slack, May 8, 2020   USED WITH PERMISSION

Artist's Statement(s)

In these paintings I wanted to show the difference between two relationships, one healthy and one unhealthy. The first is showing an unhealthy relationship. I used aggressive and anxious colors, red and yellow, to convey the vibe of the situation. The yellow hand is intentionally limp, uncomfortable with the relationship but unable to pull away. The red hand is more defined and stronger, showing their obsession. The box around their relationship is meant to show their closed off and codependent nature, making it EVEN harder to break free of something that's hurting them both. It also shows the negative effect it has on the two..

The second painting is the healthy relationship. The colors are meant to be nurturing and gentle, complementing one another. Their position is equal, neither one more present than the other and both putting in a mutual effort to support each other.



Relationships Review