
Sexting is statistically always a more prevalent issue with tween and teen girls sending nude pictures than it is for tween and teen boys.  Stats vary by source but it's roughly a 4-10%  difference

A relatively NEW term (came out around 2007) which means sending sexual text messages and/or images or video to someone.  Most often, they are sent to a significant other/ partner and sometimes, to people you are "talking" to or sort of "hooking up with".  Still, sometimes they are sent to  friends or acquaintances 

In the past, teen couples past notes that flirted OR talked on the phone and flirted/said sexy things.  But…the notes could be torn up, thrown away, and the phone could be hung up and then, the flirts were just memories.  Now, it SO EASY to type a message, take a pic or live video chat and even if you delete it after, they are permanently part of the server used to send

Sexting Articles

What is Sexting = 

ARTICLE: "Safe" Sexting = kids help phone...a div of Boys&Girls Clubs of America 

 Why is Sexting a problem among teens = Very Well

VIDEO & ARTICLE:  Sexting increasing among teens = ABC NEWS & Good Morning America FEBRUARY 2018

HANDOUT:  Discussion starters for class = Mr. Corabi                   

ARTICLE: Teens go too far = ABC news

PODCAST (mp3) and ARTICLE:  Dangers of Teen Sexting = Licensed Counselor  Roy Petitfils 

Things To consider before you "Sext":  

(click expand arrow)

 1) NUDE pictures of people under the age of 18 are ILLEGAL  unless taken for medical purposes.  

2) For more details , see the "law" section of this page  

3)  Once the pic is placed into cyberspace, it’s owned by the server and can show up in future searches or via deep investigations.   This includes apps like SnapChat or if you have private settings on (even in private DM's)

4) Is it cheating?   Some say No because it's just like looking at porn (which is a whole other discussion of right or wrong). Others say it's much different when you know the person!

5) What happens when you break up?  Will your ex or their new partner see and share them? 

6) What if someone you "trust" all of a sudden blackmails you? 

7) What if your parents see it?     What if school, your work or police sees it (maybe you were reported)

 8) Just because it’s available, doesn’t mean you have to take part in careful     

9) IF....and this is hypothetical, but IF you want to "sext" with someone, MAKE SURE TO GET CONSENT before showing them a nude or seminude pic remember the consequences though if you do.  It is never legal to transmit, distribute or possess/keep a nude photo of someone under age 18.   

10) consider using an app that will enable you to recall a text you’re having second thoughts about sending. These include, “On Second Thought,” where you have up to 60 seconds to recall a text, and “TigerText” and “Strings,” which allow you to erase a message once it has gone out. 

11) Again, IF you want to "Sext" with a partner, and I'm not condoning this but IF, you should consider "safe sexting".  There is an article about this further down. 2 keys things are asking the person you send it to to delete it after they see it AND never putting your face into the photo (or other things that identify you)

Sexting Laws

ARTICLE:  FEDERAL SEXTING LAWS = Criminal Defense Lawyer by NOLO

ARTICLE:  PA LAW on SEXTING =  Criminal Defense Lawyer by NOLO

ARTICLE:  When is Sexting a Crime? = Pittsburgh Criminal Attorney .com

LEGAL ARTICLE:  PA law on Sexting = Law offices of Michael T Van Der Veen 2016 


All 50 States and most U.S. Territories have laws against possessing nude pics of a child.  The PA House made a revision in their laws for teens sexting.    In some states, it's still a felony.  If you are in possession of pics of people nude under 18, you can be arrested for possessing child porn.  The PA House made a revision in their laws for teens sexting but it is still a felony if a person over 18 possesses a pic of a person under 18/  

What if your employer sees it? What if a potential employer does a search and finds it?   Employers from some businesses have been known to pay for extreme background checks including obscure posts long ago.  The Federal Government often subpoenas Internet and Cell Phone companies for records containing past written, pic, and video posts.    Many jobs judge a person by the nature of their character no matter how skilled you are at the job... others don't.  Is this a risk worth it

Hi-Lighted Animated and silly videos below from "Friendly Screens"

THIS IS A PRETTY GOOD VIDEO ABOUT Why Sexting So Common among Teens? from DTV

Don't Encourage 

Don't Incite

Don't Promote


Black Mail

This Unit is a comprehensive although not all inclusive Unit on various topics in Human Sexuality (listed in the drop down navigation menu) that could be developed into a full course.   CONTENT IN the UNIT ranges from GRADES 5-12 but OBVIOUSLY some of the content is NOT for all grades.  For a Top 10 list of reasons to include a comprehensive program of sexuality education rather than just Abstinence only Education, please CLICK HERE.   ALTHOUGH ALL EDUCATIONAL,  STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN MR. CORABI'S HEALTH CLASS OR HEALTH CLASS AT THE ARTS ACADEMY AT BENJAMIN RUSH, SHOULD GET THEIR PARENT'S PERMISSION BEFORE OPENING ANY LINKS OR DOWNLOADING ANY HANDOUTS.It is assumed that students assigned to Mr. Corabi's class or Health Class at the Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush have their parent's permission  If another teacher other than Mr. Corabi or a Health teacher at the Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush uses this website for their class, please use your discretion and the Curriculum guidelines for your district before using this website.