
Alcohol class slideshow


Ethyl Alcohol aka drinking alcohol, is the number one recreational drug in the world.  

It is fully legal in the United States for those age 21 and over to consume and is made from fermented grains and fruits.   It is a Psychoactive Depressant that in large amounts, can severely impair the body's physical motor skills, balance and senses.   

In the United States and around the world, Alcohol is common in multiple social functions and, in small amounts, if the body is finished growing, is generally harmless.  

HOWEVER, the sad truth is that many people drink too much and too often.  Binge Drinking often causes violence, assaults and accidents.  Excessive Drinking or Alcoholism can ruin families and cause life long, life changing consequences.

This page contains general information AND information concerning Alcohol Abuse.  I hope it is informative to you  

Alcohol Jeopardy game by a student in Class of '24


From DrugFreeWorld*.  Go through the course, take key notes from each section, take the quiz at the end, then submit your results to teacher = Use for Project Research, substitutes from missing class time or EXTRA CREDIT

An Adult can usually have a couple drinks "safely" . So....What is a Drink?  

How Does Alcohol make you drunk? (Ted Ed)

The Truth About Alcohol abuse (Drug Free World*)

American Binge Drinking facts (CDC)

Youth Binge Drinking (CBS News)

Alcohol and the Teenage brain (Turning point) 

Cross-Fading (AsAP Science)

Alcohol Poisoning (The Doctors)

Every 15 minutes (Emotional simulation)

Shattered Dreams (Emotional simulation)


*Please Note:  "Drug Free World" is a non-profit agency devoted to educating about the dangers of Drug Abuse.  This disclaimer is provided because the organization is funded by the church of Scientology.  On their "about me" page, the Foundation for a Drug Free World indicates their mission is solely for educating people and young people about the dangers of Drug Abuse.  None of their materials, resources, pamphlets, and videos mention any theological aspects of their religion.  Thus, the separation of church and state is intact.  If any student notices a religious reference to any of their materials, please let me know immediately.