General Addiction

When People hear the word Addiction, they most often immediately think of drugs.  

However, people can be addicted to anything!

The typical definition of addiction i

"a neuropsychological disorder defining pervasive and intense urge to engage in maladaptive behaviors providing immediate sensory rewards, despite their harmful consequences." (drugs,com)

There are 2 types of addiction: physical and psychological

Physical addiction has withdrawal symptoms associated with it if someone stops the addiction that can make the person feel sick, agitated or pain.   The most common things that led to physical addiction are Opiate drugs, Nicotine, Alcohol, and Sugar.  All these things provide specific physical effects to the body while also following the addiction cycle described in the videos to the right.   

Psychological addiction follows the same addiction cycle, but typically does not have withdrawal symptoms, though it can.  Most often, the "withdrawal" symptoms from psychological addictions are feelings of anxiousness or nervousness.  Many people often use the term OBSESSION as a synonym for Psychological addiction when talking about things other than drugs.  Some of the more common psychological addictions are some drugs (such as Marijuana), Gambling, and Social Media. 

Dependence is often used in tandem with addiction though it's different.  In simplest terms, Addiciton is that someone REALLY REALLY WANTS something to the point of an unhealthy trend while addiction is they NEED it.  This too can be physical dependence or psychological dependence.  An example of Physical Dependence can be Insulin if you have Diabetes.  An example of Psycological dependence could be a white noise machine or teddy bear in order to sleep.  

Into your brain: addiction (Brain

Biology behind Addiction (Alila Medical Research)