Root Beer Float Ice Pops

Source: adapted somewhat from Pops! Icy Treats for Everyone by Krystina Castella

(The original recipe had a maraschino cherry in with the root beer, but I left that out!)

adapted by

4 cups Root Beer

2 1/2 cups Vanilla Ice Cream

Pour a little bit of the root beer halfway into the molds or cup or whatever you are using and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Tilt them of you can.

Gently put a little of the ice cream into each pop mold, or squish it in a bit, make sure it goes all the way down, no air pockets. It should be about three quarters full.

Slowly add more root beer until the molds are full. Scoop the foam off with a spoon. Freeze for at least 6 hours or more.

Remove the pops from the freezer; let them sit at room temperature for about 5 minutes before removing them from the molds.