Fire-roasted Salsa

Source: Perrys' Plate

adapted by

6 medium tomatoes

6-8 jalapenos (I use 2-3)

1/4 medium Spanish or Yellow onion

2 cloves garlic

2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

2 tablespoons white vinegar

2 teaspoons salt

1 1/2 teaspoons liquid mesquite smoke (I omitted)

Preheat grill on high. Remove stems from tomatoes, then rub some oil over each. Leave stems on jalapenos and rub oil on them, too.

Place tomatoes on grill when it's hot. After about 10 minutes, add the jalapenos. In about 10 minutes, turn the tomatoes and peppers. When almost all of the surface of the peppers are black, remove them from the grill. The tomatoes will turn partially black, but when the skin begins to come off they are done. Remove from grill.

Remove skin from tomatoes and place in a food processor. Pinch the stem end from each pepper, remove any skin that has burned, and place into food processor with tomatoes.

Add remaining ingredients and puree on high for 5-10 seconds. Chill for several hours or overnight before serving. Makes about 2 cups.