Buffalo Wings

Source: Cindy5_NY

adapted by There's Always Thyme to Cook

4 lbs chicken wings

flour for dredging

optional: cayenne pepper, salt

4 tablespoons butter

1 cup Frank's hot sauce

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon vinegar (I omitted)

Separate wings at joints, snip off wing tip. Dredge in flour (mix in optional cayenne or salt) and choose method of browning:

*deep fry in 2" oil, 10-12 minutes

*brown in skillet, 5 minutes each side

*bake at 425 for 35 minutes on sprayed sheet, turn once

*grill, until browned and crispy all over

Meanwhile, combine sauce ingredients, simmer until slightly thickened, coat browned wings with sauce.

Serve with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.