Microwave Lemon Curd

Source: ColleenOZ, GW Cooking Forum

adapted by http://theresalwaysthyme.blogspot.com

4-oz butter (NOT margarine)

3/4 cup lemon juice (about 3 lemons' worth)

all the rind from the lemons, grated

1 cup sugar

4-5 eggs, thoroughly beaten

Put butter, sugar, lemon juice and lemon rind into a micro-safe bowl. Cook on high about 3 minutes, stirring halfway through. Butter should be melted and sugar dissolved. Beat in eggs and microwave in 30-second bursts until it thickens, about 2 minutes. Whisk after each burst. Cool and pour into sterilized jars. Cover immediately. Store in refrigerator.

Makes about 3 medium sized jars.