Help your fellow man

Something that many similar sites overlook is the fact that it's not good enough to just spread information about the various conspiracies, etc. The bottom line is that, in order to change this world, which is mired in darkness, we must begin at the grass roots level.And the first thing, aside from healing ourselves, that will effect a real change is actually putting the advice of all the great Masters into practice. And the advice I refer to is the well known "Love thy Neighbour" of the Christians. Of course this is just Master Jesus' version of a virtually identical law of Buddhism, but that is another matter.But how many of us really, truly put this sage advice into practice? Even many New Agers that keep saying they want to "heal the world", etc, seem to be stuck in their Ego, most of the time, and argue and fight amongst each other for petty things, whilst they could've been channeling their energies towards Love rather than Fear. And, certainly I am no hypocritical "preacher"! I am just as guilty as everyone else is, for falling into the snares of the Ego. However, I have had many difficult lessons (or rather "growth opportunities"), which have helped me (more like "forced me") to rid myself of a large portion of this plague we call the Ego, and thus I now have taken up the mantle of "Teacher/Awakener". So, please, do not take my words as "preachings". I am constantly struggling against my Ego, as much as anyone else is, since this is the battle we all face in this lowly Dimension.

However some of us have made a little more headway than others, in defeating the Ego, and so we must, then, teach others on how to go about this as well. This is inescapable! One cannot continue to advance Spiritually, indefinitely, without eventually becoming a Teacher. To do otherwise would put them in the realm of Black Magick, since they'd be using advanced Spiritual Knowledge only for themselves. This is precisely what the Illuminati are doing, for example.

So, anyway, the bottom line is that I cannot help, at times, sounding all "preachy" but being a Spiritual Teacher is the reason I was born, this time around, and there is a certain "preachiness" that comes with being a Teacher. I felt I had to get this out of the way because, while in the other sections I just give info, in this section, however, I give advice and a lot of people don't like being "told what to do".