The Top 13 Families

The much talked about 13 Families are very real and are, pretty much, exactly what the researchers say they are: Reptilian-Mammalian hybrid dynasties!

While this may sound bizarre to a newcomer, it's actually not very difficult to understand. We live in a world, a Universe, where anything is possible and there are many, many life-forms, Dimensions and civilizations all around us. So what has happened on earth with the Illuminati is not very unusual, if seen from a Galactic perspective. The galaxy really is like it is depicted in Star Wars and Star Trek and, very soon on the planet, there will be a mass awakening to this obvious Truth.

As we delineate in the Origins: Atlantis page, these families trace their descent right back to the Atlantean Black Magicians that brought back the Old Ones to this planet. There was a "familiarity" created between the Dark Wizards and these malevolent beings and their descendants (The Illuminati Bloodlines) would forever be in the service of these Demonic entities we know as the Reptilians of the Lower Astral.

John Todd explains below how his original family name is actually Collins, one of the top Illuminati families, as mentioned in the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati, the cover of which is depicted above. The Collins family was the family that brought witchcraft to the USA. Perhaps not surprisingly, he also convincingly ties the world of politics to the Illuminati clan.