Psychiatry: a pseudoscience

Psychiatry is a hilarious subject for me. Both hilarious and tragic!

Hilarious because it is the biggest joke ever played on Mankind and tragic because it factually ruins millions of Minds and lives, left right and centre. And this, most certainly, is done by design to many sheeples' disbelief.

So maybe it's not such a joke after all then. And maybe it's high time it is taken out with the rest of the TRASH that the "Aquarian Age Spring Clean" is getting rid of from our beautiful world.

So, on this page, I will do my part to assist in Mother Earth's "Spring Clean" by doing all in my power do dismantle the false foundations of Psychiatry, one by one, and show the world that we are being deceived on a grand scale by criminal Dark Sorcerers, who wish us not to reach higher Spiritual plateaus. Their reason, of course, is because they want us trapped here, in this lowest of worlds.

While this may not be easily apparent to someone who has only just begun studying the concepts I deal with on the site, if you take the time to read through the various sections, check any links that I provide and, also, do further research on your own, you will begin to see that I (and others like me) know what I am talking about. Because I really was content, once upon a time, to believe that Psychiatry was simply a "sign of the times"; that it was just an outgrowth of the stomach-churning materialistic attitude of the Western scientific establishment. But, then, I found that there were people who knew that Psychiatry was false and that they PURPOSELY instituted it, as a way to silence dissenters and also, in general, to bar the doors SHUT to the Higher Spiritual Realms!

Because this subject is very personal to me, since, as a teenager, I narrowly escaped being put on the "medication" path (since I was understandably depressed, due to being a young person growing up in this topsy-turvy world!) I will go to extreme lengths in order to compile the damning information needed to weaken the unholy foundations of this bane of the planet, we know as Psychiatry.

How is it possible to be deceived on such a scale?

Nearly 10 years ago, when I was at a friend's house-warming party, I met a doctor friend of his, and we had an engaging conversation. I was still in Uni then, so the "intellectual crowd" was happy to speak with me, and so we hit it off!

One of the topics that came up was that Psychiatry is a pseudo-science. This is a Medical Doctor we are talking about, who had also recently gotten a Law Degree, mind you, "just because he wanted to". So this guy was no dummy! And this is a true story, I assure you.

Now, this serves as an interesting example to show all the Psychiatry fans, out there, that you have no idea what is really going with this "science" and are being horribly deceived. Elsewhere I mention how even my own uneducated Mother recognized that Psychiatry is bunk but hearing it from a Doctor's mouth, is something else entirely, isn't it?

So, if even Doctors admit that it is pseudoscientific nonsense, then how on Earth have millions of masses been utterly convinced that Psychiatry is the best thing since sliced bread??! How was this travesty possibly perpetrated on Mankind? How? I don't know about yours but my Mind boggles! And since this is the perfect place to mention it, I will share another anecdote with you regarding Psychiatry. This one is more recent and it involves a severely messed-up female roommate I had. I swear to you that this is almost word for word, what she told me once, when we argued about the "virtues" of Psychiatry:

"There is no God. My Psychiatrist is my God!"

A human being, living in the 21st century, actually really did tell me this, yes! And they believed it with every fibre of their being; you should've seen it! Now, this is exactly why I am trying to do all I can to expose Psychiatry as a fraud. Because when I claim on various pages, on the site, that these Elite Controllers want to make Atheist drones of us all, I speak from experience and not just because I heard about it from some conspiracy theorist. Then again, I live in Australia, which has the most dumbed down, docile and controlled of all the first world nation populations; where Orwell's 1984 is already a reality. But, still, I do not want this to be replicated all over the world, which is what the Illuminati would love to do. Because, if you take Australia as an operating model, the way it works out for the Hidden Powers is that they have a whole nation of obedient drones, that pay their taxes, etc, and are really just there to make the Elite more rich and powerful, never once being aware, however, that this is their only purpose in life!

It is a scary thought to entertain but, in truth, the way the Secret Rulers see us is very different than we may want to admit. We cannot really understand their way of thinking, of course, because we have never been in their situation and probably never will be! These people rule vast sections of the planet, so, to them, the ordinary citizen is seen as something like a pawn in a chess game or a worker ant. Think about this and you will see that that is how you would see it too, if you were in their position. So, these people see us as nothing more than worker ants; as energy production units, if you want to be more "metaphysical".

Because, while it may not be clear to see, they are dependent on the complicity of the masses for their very survival and prosperity. From their lofty and privileged positions they look down on us as faceless worker-drones, so they have no qualms, whatsoever, to reinforce that idea by finally turning us into LITERAL drones through the widespread use of Psychiatric medication! Many intelligent people, however, can see through this outright scam and, so, there is a considerable opposition mounting against Psychiatry.

Now, before we go any further, I'd like to address something important. You may have noticed that I have a sub-page dedicated to the Scientology vs. Psychiatry phenomenon, which is a very misunderstood situation actually. I know some readers may instantly assume that my Scientology "dabblings" may have influenced my anti-Psychiatry stance. Well, to be very honest with you, it is exactly the reverse! I never liked Psychiatry one bit, ever since I was a young teen. I came across Hubbard's writings a full ten years after my dislike of Psychiatry had been firmly cemented. Their stance on Psychiatry was just an added bonus to me, which attracted me even more to the group. So, what we are really dealing with here, is a case of "like attracting like".

But this part was meant to be about how the Elite have tricked us into believing Psychiatry is valid or -God help us- beneficial even! So now we will begin explaining how this was perpetrated on us.

Psychiatry's "Solutions"...

The future of psychiatry