Join our Facebook Groups

Please Note: the images below serve as the actual links to the relevant Facebook groups. By clicking on a pic you will be sent directly to the relevant group.


The Main Groups are, you could say, more "action oriented" than the Secondary Groups. Some silly people have even derogatorily called the secondary groups more "New Agey" or whatever. But the difference is that the main ones are more centered on exposing/fixing the various problems we face from the Grand Conspiracy, whereas the secondary ones are focused on more personal, spiritual matters.

I firmly believe we need both these aspects in order to be successful in what we are trying to achieve. However, as I am rather Divine Masculine oriented myself, I am much more focused on, and interested in, the groups mentioned in this list. The majority of my Facebook friends also seem to be more partial to the groups listed here, which is not to say that the other ones are "bad" or less interesting/useful, of course. Another way of putting it is to say that the Main Groups are more of the Divine Masculine polarity, whereas the other ones cater more to the Divine Feminine.

The Right Stuff: this group is purely political and is a reflection of the core vision of TheNewAeon2012 property, namely to remove the stigma from, and popularize, right wing populism. No overt conspiracy theories or anything like that will be discussed here; just straight up right wing populism and Conservatism. Below, you will find groups that cater to the more "out there," and maybe even New Age-y topics, if you are interested in that sort of thing.

Knights of Truth: as I often mention in my YouTube vids, this is (or was) the "parent group" of my network of around a dozen FB groups. It is a group for no nonsense, Light Warriors that want to make a real difference in the world and who are tired of the fluffy, no-responsibility, Love & Light attitude of the New Age Movement.

The Resistance: this group is centered on exposing the Draco/Reptilian/Grey faction and getting together as many people as possible that have had personal experience with these beings. It is time now for this planet to finally learn the ugly truth about these things! The Resistance needs you. Join us . . .

Jesuits - Dark Templars: the head of the snake!: a group focusing on sharing information that exposes the Jesuits, who are actually the true head of the NWO. This is a very important ongoing project of mine, so please come aboard and help out. We need as many people as possible to get involved! So please spread the word.

Unmasking the Synagogue of Satan: this group concentrates on posting information that exposes Rothschild Zionism.

Exposing the Elite's Human Sacrifice Rituals: in this group we focus on exposing the paramount problem of the human sacrifice rituals that the Dark Elite secretly participate in, of which more and more information has been coming to the surface lately.

The Meme Machine: Matrix-busting memes!: this one is a bit different to the others but is very important and unique nonetheless. It is basically a database where you can post/share Spiritual/Truther/Inspirational memes, in the hopes that we

get some Sleepers on Facebook to take notice and maybe consider taking that elusive Red Pill...

Psychiatry must die!: in this one we aim to expose the ultimate pseudo-science of all time: Psychiatry! It is high time that this bane of mankind is eradicated and replaced with Spiritually based healing methods that actually work.

Don't Tase Me, Bro!: a group that exposes the abuses that the police force perpetrates around the world (and particularly in the Orwellian west), which has now reached epidemic proportions and must be stopped!


Galactic Light Warrior Alliance

Violet Flame of Transmutation: the 7th Ray of Divine Light: this group concentrates on the Violet Flame, which is the most incredible tool for spiritual transformation yet known to us. I have used this miraculous tool in my own life since about mid-'13 and, after seeing beyond incredible results, I just had to spread the word. I don't post very often in it, but I intend to do so more & more in future and, also, may even write an e-book on this phenomenal subject soon.

Abundance & Wealth Consciousness for Truthers/Indigos/Starseeds: a group designed to focus on helping people like us develop a better relationship with Abundance, which seems to be something sorely lacking in our scene!

The real Pleiadian Message: the Barbara Marciniak Cosmic Library: group dedicated to restoring the good name of the genuine Pleaidian channelers out there, of which the great Barbara Marciniak is the best one.

Arcturian Starseeds Worldwide: after discovering early in '14 that, in addition to being a Pleiadian Starseed, I am also an Arcturian one, I felt the need to start this group as a way for fellow Arcturian Starseeds to network. I don't really post in there much; I guess I just mainly made the group for other Arcturian Starseeds to have their own space.