The reason why...

While we touched on the "demonic origin" of these Atlantean sorcerer bloodlines in Origins (please read first), there is a lot more we can say about why they are so evil and it gets pretty deep and complicated. But we will make a valiant effort to explain it on here...

Is David really crazy or just ahead of his time?

David Icke has become notorious for his wild theory that the top Illuminati bloodlines (the Babylonian Brotherhood, as he calls them) are either human-reptilian hybrids, or are at least somehow being possessed and used as vehicles by other-dimensional reptilian entities, to further some long range, nefarious agenda that the masses aren't aware of. The latter was what we also spoke about in the "Origins" page.

While he initially met with a lot of ridicule and opposition, this idea has become accepted by a surprisingly large number of people, who take his claims very seriously. Twenty years after he appeared on the scene with his bizarre claims, he has become a celebrity of sorts. David is actually considered the top conspiracy author in Europe now and no matter how crazy his ideas seem, to begin with, if one keeps on reading/listening to his material it somehow all makes sense, in the end. And the chief reason it makes sense, is because we all know "deep down" that it is the truth.

Because, essentially, what all these theories are really referring to is Demons and demonic possession. What we are witnessing all around the world (and this is the most important effect of the Aquarian Age energies) is an awakening to the fact that -just like The Book of Revelation and other parts of the Bible tell us- the world is in the grip of Satan! Seen in this light, Icke's claims are not so controversial after all. And I'd like to note here that, while I am a critic of the Catholic Church, and also -though initially brought up as one- am not technically a Christian anymore, I still hold the Bible in the highest regard.

While the original message of Jesus was greatly diluted (this was the express purpose of creating the Roman Church, after all) the writings that have made their way into the New Testament are all valid; especially The Revelation! So I consider this work as a Divine Prophecy of the highest clarity and accuracy, regardless of religious tags associated with it. If people take Nostradamus' vague babbling so seriously, then I would definitely suggest for the reader to take heed of what John of Patmos was telling us in Revelation! Because, among the other incredible things he was shown in his vision, he was also shown a very accurate glimpse of life during the "End Times".

The End Times, of course, doesn't mean the end of the world but the end of the Age, which is the period we are living in right now. This misinterpretation by the masses has created a big problem but we deal with this on other pages. What we are concerned with here is Revelation's claim that the world will be almost completely in control of Dark forces by the "end of the Age". It also says that the Christ will return to the earth and this will finally undo all the evil. Of course, by return of Christ, is not meant the literal return of Jesus but, rather, a mass awakening of the Christ Consciousness in people. However, on this page, we need to deal with what these "demons" are exactly and why this makes the top Illuminati families treat the masses in the inhuman and evil ways that they do.

Are Reptilians actually the Demons of folklore?

Quite simply, yes. When people like me and Icke talk about the reptilians, we consider them synonymous to Demons. Of course there are other things that are claimed too, which need to be examined. Icke and others often tell us that the phenomenon of shape-shifting is widely reported to be associated with the Satanic Bloodlines but this is a source of confusion to many, because it implies that these "reptilians" are physical, third-dimensional beings rather than just Demonic entities. We will analyze this claim here and attempt to determine whether they are just physical entities, discarnate entities or a combination of both. Whether there is an actual reptilian humanoid race in this galaxy or not (I would say that there is), is not really relevant to the Illuminati problem. Even if the bloodlines really were human-reptile hybrids, the whole problem still stems from the Demonic or "Lower Astral" entities that use these families as vessels to operate through. Yet, the theories regarding the "physical" reptilians abound, and the generally accepted idea is that while they are just another race trying to "make their way" in the galaxy, there was a small criminal faction of them that somehow ended up on earth many millennia ago. And, apparently, they were the ones that interbred with the families we now call the Illuminati. So much for the "physical reptilian" theory. As far as the "Demonic Entity" theory goes, this is easier to understand and physical reptilians or any other types of aliens need not be involved. What we are really dealing with, according to this theory, are entities from the Lower Fourth Dimension or Lower Astral (the astral realm is in the fourth dimension), otherwise known to us as Demons. An intriguing passage (p.479) from the book Autobiography of Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda, 1946), which is an incredible book that should be read by all seekers, gives us a keen glimpse into what the Lower Astral is like: "Among the fallen dark angels, expelled from other worlds, friction and war take place...these beings dwell in the doom-drenched regions of the lower astral cosmos, working out their evil karma. In the vast realms above the astral prison, all is shining and beautiful."

Another source, Arizona Wilder, an alleged insider that defected from the group, tells us in this you-tube video series that these beings do not want to leave our dimension, once they are called down in rituals. She also maintains there is a physical reptilian element involved in all this. However, I do not know enough about this aspect of the issue to comment on it and I deem it much more expedient to focus on the Demonic aspect because that's where all the trouble stems from.

Now, the reason that witnesses claim they've seen Satanists morphing in and out of reptilian and human appearance, during key moments in rituals, may have nothing to do with actual physical reptilians. These people are in communion with the Demons of the Lower Astral world during these moments, so what the eye-witnesses perceive as shape-shifting is more like an overlap of the Lower Astral and our Dimension than anything else. It may be termed possession as well.

So, basically, the reason they look "reptilian", when shape-shifting, may be coincidental or just a misinterpretation of what witnesses have seen. We could say that all Lower Astral entities resemble reptilian monsters but these witnesses have confused matters by believing they were seeing 3-D beings. Also, since nobody has actually seen a reptilian humanoid, anyway, we cannot even be sure that the Satanists are morphing into reptilian-looking forms, in the first place. But what we do know, for sure, is that there are other Dimensions and that the Lower Fourth (or Lower Astral) is, in essence, the abode of the Demons. So, it would be better to just term these supposed "reptilians" Demons or Astral Monsters.

The bottom line is that it's not important what these entities look like, when they come through during rituals, or what we call them but what effect they have on the humans, whose Minds they possess. Because we will see that this Demonic influence is the real reason there is so much war and destruction caused by these cursed families known as the Illuminati.

But doesn't all this sound a bit too much like the show V?

While all this information is beginning to gain wide acceptance, it is still considered fringe. Unfortunately, this means that it is extremely likely that people who are coming across the reptilian theories for the first time have already watched the TV-show V. And, of course, what would naturally be expected from many people is a question like: "All this sounds like sci-fi to me! Have you just been watching too much V or something?" While I certainly wouldn't be offended by such a remark (being that I would've said a similar thing in my "plugged in the Matrix" days), my answer, of course, would be a stern "No!" You see, there is a very disturbing phenomenon associated with the Mass Media that people who have never come across the ideas propounded on this, and other similar sites, may be completely oblivious to. It is a general occurrence and will be covered in depth on another page but, since this remake of the 80ies V series has appeared at a very suspect time and has an even more suspect plot, we need to cover it here. What the disturbing phenomenon in question is, is that the Elite have a nasty habit of blatantly showing us their nefarious agenda through many Hollywood movies, TV shows, commercials and cartoons, as this extremely disturbing clip from a Tom & Jerry movie clearly shows:

While this was done in more subtle ways in the past, it has steadily increased in momentum and, now, they are pretty much showing us exactly what they are doing to us! The list of movies and shows is endless and will be dealt with extensively on this page but here we will briefly analyze the V show.

As mentioned above, chances are that the people who are learning of all these things just now, have already seen the new V series. This is both very unfortunate and done by design! It is unfortunate, of course, because it will make it much harder to tell people about the reptilian connection and expect to be taken seriously. And, as can be deduced, it is done by design largely to create this very effect.

That the Mass Media is virtually wholly owned by the Illuminati is not a subject up for debate and (since I am assuming that even the most unaware person already knows this) I need not waste my own and anyone else's time "proving" it. Aside from providing links to various important videos and articles that will help to substantiate this fact further, I won't do much more in this regard. Because (as I am fond of saying) the time for "proving" all this stuff has long since passed! Whoever wants to look into it can google this claim and will quickly discover it is the truth.

What concerns us here is the why. Why do the Elite Generational Satanists toy with us in this way? Why are they blatantly showing us what is going on through many movies and shows, and especially through something as blatant as the V series? Because if the reader knew what I did (and many reading this do) they would be viewing this series more as a documentary than anything else. I am compelled to mention the X-Files, in passing, which was also a virtual documentary (the overall story arc, of course; not the stand-alone "monster" episodes, which were pure entertainment).

Understanding the role DNA plays in all of this...

The Blood is the Life...

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)