Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford is truly unique among all the whistle-blowers. First of all, while he is Jewish, he readily admits that the Rothschilds are a big force in the Illuminati but also explains how the Jews are scapegoated by the Elite. I have, for a long time, suspected that this was indeed the case. Secondly, he claims to be the first Westerner in 500 years to have become a member of a powerful Japanese/Chinese secret society which rivals the Illuminati. He has, apparently, given various ultimatums to the Illuminati and the Asian society he is a member of is reportedly very serious about stopping the Illuminati, and their relentless rape and pillage of the earth! See the amazing videos below and make of it what you will. I, for one, am convinced there is truth to all of this because there have always been wars between rival secret societies throughout history. Now, however, in the Aquarian Age, it's all out in the open and the esoteric has finally become exoteric. On you tube, you will find many videos of Fulford making all sorts of crazy claims but if you have been studying these things as long as I have, you will just know that he is for real, and will not doubt him for a moment. For those of you who have never heard of him before, I sincerely hope that these videos will open up a new dimension for you...and this is, of course, the very reason that I have put this page up. Enjoy!