The Rising Power of Black People

Post date: Nov 23, 2016 5:23:50 PM

My WN leaning readers won’t like this post very much. But I’ve had this theory going around in my head for a while now and I need to express it. I think that, in the distant galactic past, what we, on Earth, call the black (African) race was a very powerful and dominant human race. There’s even that fairly well-known theory that’s thrown around saying Mars was populated by a technologically advanced black race, which was attacked by an invading white race and then the remaining blacks that ended up on Earth found themselves in an inferior, subservient position. The racial memories of these conflicts are very ancient and it definitely seems like we’re playing them out again on this planet. The WNs will be doubly annoyed now, when I say that I’m pretty sure us whites have a subconscious fear of blacks. And this is not to say that the mostly ridiculous, and overly paranoid, Afrocentric conspiracy theories are correct (maybe a tenth or a fifth of the stuff they claim is anywhere near accurate), but I do think that, in some ways, often without even consciously realizing he is doing so, white man has a tendency to put down the black man. I’m sure the reverse has happened before on other planets/star systems, where whites were in the weaker position and blacks were the top of the pyramid, so I’m not exactly taking sides here…just expressing an interesting idea.

And I also find it extremely telling that George Lucas, out of all the infinite options he had at his disposal (he could’ve designed any number of alien designs or picked a Chinese or Indian or Middle Eastern actor for the role), decided to make Yoda’s right hand man in the prequels a black human, Mace Windu –and, if you study the lore carefully, you’ll see that, in many ways, Mace was even stronger than Yoda himself. Even more synchronistic is the fact that Mace was the one that ended up defeating the Emperor/Darth Sidious (there is a big, as-yet-unresolved, debate online among the nerds about whether or not the Emperor deliberately threw the fight, but irrespective of whether Palpatine truly lost or not, the effect on the viewer’s child-like subconscious still remains: the evil, scheming, power-hungry, black magician white guy was defeated by a badass, fearless black man). Also quite telling is the fact that Ian McDiarmid, the actor playing Palpatine, is Scottish (Scottish Rite Freemasonry anyone?). I very much doubt any of these things are coincidences. In fact I am absolutely certain they’re not.

As many of you reading this would likely already know, all the above associations would be taken by the viewer’s subconscious at face value, without any critical thought –that’s how television works on a person’s mind. It’s no accident then that these actors are chosen for these specific roles. Even though slightly off topic, it’s worth noting that the Illuminati (that, almost comic book-like, catch all term for the labyrinthine conglomerate of Black Lodges that constantly attempt to control the destiny of the Western world) are, at their core, a British-led effort. Sure there’s the Rothschild Banking faction, too, but in the end, the British Crown-Vatican alliance is the one that’s higher on the pyramid. And even this concept was shown in the end of Revenge of the Sith, when Sidious, once secure enough in his power, sent Vader to wipe out all the Banksters that had conspired with him and helped him reach Emperorhood.

Another interesting hint about this dynamic between the White/British Royals-WASPs and the Jewish Banksters is Gimli’s quote in one of the LOTR films (I can’t recall which one now) in which he angrily says “Never trust an Elf!” For those who don’t already know, in Tolkien’s universe, Elves symbolize Northern Europeans and Brits/Celts in particular, while the gold-loving Dwarves obviously symbolize the Jews (even though most scholars think it’s “controversial” to openly mention this, which is why it’s little known). So, in both these instances (Darth Sidious turning on the Banksters once in power and the extreme distrust shown to exist between Elves and Dwarves in LOTR), we are shown the truth about the leading role the Anglo-Saxon faction plays in the conspiracy to rule the west. So, basically, if we go by the Star Wars symbolism, Evil Empire = British; Rebels = USA; Only human to ever defeat the Emperor in combat = a black guy. But back to the black issue now…

I’m 99% certain that the George did the Mace Windu thing very deliberately, because he knows something most of us do not. And he wanted to convey it through fiction. And I don’t think he just did it to sell more tickets to black audiences, I really don’t. There’s a deeper reason behind making this very specific casting choice. This man does nothing by accident and, aside from Jar Jar Binks (the one thing precluding him from attaining actual divinity), doesn’t really make mistakes. After all, you do not become the richest person in Hollywood, ever, by being a fool. And if indeed these films are not simply “benevolent warnings”, but predictive programming, like many say they are, then we might, one day, be told through “official” sources (Universities, TV, etc.) that “you know what…the black race is much more important than you give it credit for”. Expect to start seeing this idea promoted more and more in future.