Post date: Oct 23, 2016 11:22:8 AM

It's interesting how the universe seems to have somehow pitted complete polar opposites against each other in this US election: this is probably the first US election (or any election, of any country/era) where the voting public has largely broken away from the media brainwashing, from the controlled narrative. The thing about life is that it gives us back what we give it. Things like the Rockefellers, George Soros and Killary are but reflections of mankind's inner state: as above so within, so without, said Hermes. And he was right.

Essentially, the people who rule us are mirrors of the voting public's responsibility levels. Now, for the first time in known history, largely thanks to the Internet, the people have begun to take responsibility back into their hands, as far as the mainstream media is concerned. We have created enough independent media, where it's now gotten to a point that, in the US, there's only 4% trust in the MSM. So in comes the Donald to fill the role created by this radical change in centuries-long societal norms. (I say 'centuries-long' because, even if television and newspaper chains didn't exist hundreds of years ago, there was always some type of propaganda machine that was controlled by the then rulers, and which kept the large masses of people grossly uninformed as to what these rulers were really up to behind closed doors)

This does not appear to be a case of Hegelian dialectic, nor does Trump seem to be a controlled opposition "agent". It legitimately is the beginning of a new way of doing things in politics. In fact, it is the first time ever that the people can have an actual say in who they vote for. It’s clear that the guy is into the same Truther/conspiracy theory stuff that we're all into, and that it's not an act: we really are seeing him speak his mind; he doesn’t read pre-written speeches from teleprompters; what you see is what you get with this man. The only reason a phenomenon like this is even possible at all, is because of the Internet. I’m sure many, many politicians have thought of saying what he's saying before, decades ago...but, minus the Internet, the statements would've sounded bizarre. The difference between how many people knew about the International Bankster New World Order problem 20 years ago, compared to how many know about this issue, and other related ones, today, is astronomical. So, essentially, Trump is a sign of the times. And, you know what, it's not about Trump; it's about the Great Awakening that has made it possible for someone as politically incorrect as him to gain such overwhelming grass roots support that has defied all initial expectations.

Brexit, of course, is another example. And it will keep happening all over the world from now on. If you think Trump supporters are focusing on the man himself, you've got it all wrong: it's about the aforementioned change in the way the masses see things. If Trump has achieved (or will achieve) anything at all, it will no doubt be the fact that he has proven that conspiracy theories (the entry level theories, anyway) have essentially become common knowledge by now. There’s no point being caught up in a personality cult, and seeing him as a savior. The only one that can really save you is yourself. People like Trump, however, are a very good yardstick to gauge how far the “crazy conspiracy theorists” have come. Twenty years ago, no one would’ve believed the stuff that Trump now routinely mentions in his rallies and TV/YouTube interviews. This is vey encouraging indeed and, even if Killary wins (I don’t think she will though), it will not be the end of this. Trump is not really “Trump”…he is merely a representative of what the people think of the government and the media these days. So is Nigel Farage; and so will many others like them spring up from out of nowhere from this point onward.

Much like the heads of the Hydra, if any of these individuals are somehow defeated, even killed, several more will appear in their place. Like I keep saying: it’s not about Trump per se, but about the crowds that he represents. And now back to the initial title of the article, why do I say that the Universe has brought together the most polar of opposites possible?

It goes beyond political differences: we cannot overlook the fact that crooked Hillary is the first female to ever run for US President; and, funnily enough, we have Trump set against her, a classic, aggressive, alpha male-type, with bully tendencies, who cares little for the English-speaking West’s extremely sensitive feminist outlook and even less about political correctness. Christ, this Presidential candidate pair-up is so bizarre, it’s almost comical; it’s like God is pranking us: Trump is like an old-fashioned, John Wayne type of man, while Hitlery is like the female Dark Messiah of Liberal Neocon Feminazism. The fact that hordes of Lefties are completely brainwashed by the MSM’s lies about her, makes it even more amusing (or terrifying, depending on the point of view) to watch this spectacle of spectacles.

I honestly do think that, at this most critical of historical moments, as we stand on the brink of a George Soros-led Globalism and never-ending social unrest vs. a return to (healthy) Nationalism, as evidenced by the phenomenal Brexit triumph, the invisible Force that controls us all has decided to symbolize this amazing conflict by the most polar opposites it could possibly find. And, make no mistake, neither of them is perfect. I make no secret of the fact that I favor the Donald over Killary, but the point is that he is the only good card the Universe has dealt us at this point. It’s a start. One thing is for certain: he is working alone, and by “alone”, I mean he isn’t funded by people like Soros (this does not, of course, preclude him having a different kind of backing: many people have said that he is backed by high level people in the military and Intelligence communities; and it would make sense that he is. Also, this would relatively guarantee his safety in the event that Soros & Co. were contemplating assassination as a last resort).

In any case, whoever is helping Trump, and whatever they plan on doing with the military and the NSA once he’s in, I’m sure it won’t be as bad as what Hillary and her handlers are planning, i.e.: plunge the world into a nuclear WW3. It doesn’t mean that Trump’s rule will be a utopia: he keeps talking about “safety” and strengthening the police, and building up the military and all the stuff that is reminiscent of a fascist, military dictatorship. But at least he is an avowed anti-Globalist and it’s evident that he will make sufficient strides towards returning sovereignty to the USA. I’m not a US citizen, “So why would you care?” I hear you ask. Well, I care, because whatever happens in the US impacts the rest of the planet. Basically, if the US falls, so does the West. Even though the USA is no longer the bright light unto the world that it was initially designed to be, and has caused untold wars and devastation to smaller, weaker nations in the past 50-60 years, it is very apparent, at least to me (and to people like Jeff Rense, Alex Jones etc.), that a large chunk of the American public has decided it’s time to bring out the best attributes of America again; to demand that it be run according to the dictates of their great Constitution again, and, last but not least, to weed out that “den of vipers”, as Andrew Jackson called them, the International Bankers and corporate interests that have hi-jacked this potentially benevolent and prosperous country that has, in recent decades, been turned into an imperialistic war machine by the Illuminati Bankster Cabal.

Like I said earlier, Trump is no saint and, in many ways (assuming he is indeed backed by a traditionalist Fifth Column in the Army and Intel. communities that is tired of Soros’ meddling in their country’s affairs), he will also be part of “the system” if he wins. You need to understand that there's not just one faction. This view is overly simplistic, unfortunately. However, Trump’s backers would want to implement a less destructive agenda than Killary’s masters. At the very least, they will not want to nuke half the planet to kingdom come, just because they fear Putin’s ever-growing influence. On the contrary, with Trump in office, we would have a kind of “American Putin”; someone who will do positive things for his own country and make it very uncomfortable for the existing Globalist infrastructure in the US to maintain, much less increase, their influence over the country, exactly as Putin did when he ousted the Rothschild-Soros-George H.W. Bush-Carlyle group-related Jewish Oligarchs after he first rose to power. And, mind you, Russia was in a far worse state when Putin first came to power than America is now, but Putin still did the impossible and turned it into a respected super power again, and within record time, all things considered.

So it will not be that hard for Trump to do a similar thing in America, because the country has not collapsed completely yet, like Russia had when Putin took over. The only trouble is that there’s still a sizable percentage of the population that think being a political progressive ACTUALLY means being a progressive person in life, when, in fact, it's the opposite, as "progressives" are, in essence, Communists wearing a slightly different mask. It is these types that will form a resistance against Trump, if and when he takes the White House, and, America being America, with its unique despot-proof Constitution, it will not be possible for the Donald to create the near-dictatorial form of rule that Putin has established (unless he actually is the one tasked with implementing the final stages of the Global Fascist State takeover, by declaring martial law and becoming Emperor…in which case the US and the world is screwed). Having said that, however, it’s still true that, no matter what happens next, things have now changed…forever. Whether he wins, or loses, or is assassinated, or is elected, but ultimately fails to deliver on many of his promises…whatever happens from now on (and assuming what I wrote in the previous parenthesis isn’t true), the only way is up.

In fact, I even firmly believe that, if Killary wins, it will ultimately work against her, because she will prove to the world, in plain view, that she and her handlers are the epitome of Orwellian double speak, lies, destruction and deceit. Perhaps people in America really do need this to happen, in order to finally wake up. Much like the 9/11 attacks jolted an unprecedented amount of people out of their Mass Media Trance back in late 2001, a Hillary Clinton victory will be the event that will wake up the entire western world within a few short months; of that I can assure you! Whatever is left of it, anyway, after she plunges the world into a nuclear World War…

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