The Luciferian Initiation

Post date: Apr 09, 2014 9:19:25 AM

So this is how it is...

There was a man, Jesus; some say he didn't exist at all, some say, even if he did, he didn't even do HALF the stuff that are attributed to him. He did exist, he DID do a lot of those things, to a lesser or greater extent,'s the thing: he was NEVER God on Earth, never claimed to be THE God and DIDN'T come back from the dead. This is NOT sci fi, I'm afraid. Granted, a lot of people like us readily believe in more recent Gurus like Master Usui (developer of Reiki), Paramhansa Yogananda, etc., etc., and, yet, REFUSE to accept that someone else could have dome similar stuff. Beat ME as to the why and, before you even go there, I am NOT excluded from this!! I was just as bad! This is my journey:

1) Raised in a moderately devout (and VERY hypocritical) Christian family –in the Greek Orthodox “division” of the Global Christianity Business/Mind Control "evil" franchise

2) I "pulled a Neo" at about 19 -20 yo and went on the New Age path, finding meditation at 25 yo (FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

3) After all that Luciferian New Age misinfo/disinfo I read during my "Left Brained years" (22 -25 yo) about the life of Jesus...I ended up thinking He didn’t even exist at some point. You know the stuff: "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", Laurence Gardner's books, etc. In actual fact, while at Uni, I was ACTUALLY almost 100% atheist for a bout a year. Electrical Engineering DOES that to a man lol!

4) Thankfully my meditation overdrive between 25 – 30 yo opened me up to the Right Brain as well, so then it was twice the fun: now, aside from all that stuff I got thru reading books, I was getting Intuitive knowledge too! And it just got stronger....

5) So, I eventually go FULL CIRCLE after all that and began having mystical experiences that forced me to reconsider all the bullshit I had read in Part 3. And by this I mean DIRECT experiences with the Christ Consciousness, Archangels and so forth. I've even experienced “miracle healings” of the type that you hear about in the Born Again Christian circles (but this was on my own, not part of a church or group or anything)!

And, mind you, this is coming from a guy that was ALWAYS "intelligent" in a strictly Left Brain sense, so I was a good little "linear thinking" boy when I was in school. The reason I point this out is not to boast but just mentioning it in case some people accuse me of being "overly reliant on the Right Brain" because of all my "crazy" stories about Archangels, etc. I was Left Brained to the MAX before my mid 20ies! Math wiz all my life and I also ended up in Electrical Engineering for God’s sake (the fact that I am a drop out is another story lol...)! So, when people that don't know me from back then, accuse me today of being too right brained...or that I "need to research more" it's so very amusing to me (Oh, they can suck it btw!). When I was reading "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" they were still in Sunday school!

The point I'm trying to make is that, yes, Religion IS an Archontic created Mind Control Prison....HOWEVER this is NOT to say that people like Jesus are "just Astrotheology". There WAS a real person that lived at the time, who DID fit the description. But because most "Truthers" are only at an Intermediate Level of understanding (i.e: where I was at No. 3 above), which is almost exclusively characterized by Left Brain dominance and "reading", they have NOT got the full spectrum of the picture by ANY stretch of the imagination. Not a CHANCE in hell!

Newsflash: this level is also known as the Luciferian Initiation! Lucifer (his good aspects that is) represents: intellect, knowledge, individuality, self betterment, etc. Sound familiar??? All these things are synonymous with the "Self Help Movement", which is what the New Age Movement practically IS. So the Luciferian Initiation is merely a STEPPING STONE in order to get to the Christic Initiation: to merge with the Christ Consciousness. Now, if you are SO programmed as to think that by simply CALLING it "Christic" it has ANYthing, whatsoever, to do with Christianity, scroll down immediately and continue with the cat memes, 'cause you're not learning anything here. Call it it it whatever you like but it's the act of consciously connecting with The ALL. And, whatever the Luciferian Initiation is, it is CERTAINLY not that!

This, of course, also explains the "rumor" in certain more knowledgeable circles, that Lucifer & Christ are brothers...because, from a certain point of view (thanks, Obi-Wan!), they ARE. Let me explain: we know that, traditionally, the Luciferian Consciousness represents the "split", i.e.: when an aspect of The ALL separated from itself and developed the first instance of separate Individuality. THIS is the Luciferian Spirit. The Energy of Illusion/Separation....that which CREATES and gives form to the physical, 3D universe...the world of Maya. The Matrix! And, I am not 100% sure of this part, but it very well could be that that which we call Satan is a "lower harmonic" of this Luciferian Consciousness. (Read up on some Rudolf Steiner for more on this –the great Steiner called it Ahriman instead)

And the Christ (or Archangel Michael, same thing different aspect: Michael is the Warrior aspect of it) is the Energy of Oneness. It is that which brings us BACK to The ALL. And, hence, it is the energy of unity and directly at odds with the Luciferian Consciousness. 'But how are they "brothers" then?' you may ask. Well, in this here Third Dimension it may LOOK like they are polar opposites....but it's all a matter of perspective is it not? From a higher vantage point there IS no polarity and opposites, hence, in a sense Jesus/Lucifer are two sides of the same coin. And the coin is called The Game! The great Cosmic Game of Polarity. And here is the amusing paradox: even though we KNOW we are merely playing a game...we STILL need to act it our parts. It was just a fun game The ALL designed in order to experience more of itself and to grow, so it made innumerable copies of itself and gave them Free Will to do whatever the fuck they wanted. At the end of the day we ALL return to Source...but the road we take to get there is entirely up to us.

So the New Age Movement, then, is EXCLUSIVELY Luciferian. 100% thru & thru! And I'm not saying this in a "bad" way or in a "bible belt" way either. I'm just sayin': the Luciferian Initiation is LIMITED. It is a MEANS and NOT an end! It starts and stops with the Intellect. End of story. And, being stuck there, means you are not truly spiritual OR wise. It's not necessarily a bad thing; it's just that most people think it's the ONLY thing! I hate to be the one to tell you that you CANNOT find the secret of the Universe in a book! You can build yourself UP to the point where you can connect to your Higher Mind/Consciousness and THEN you may find (some of) the secrets…but the Luciferian Initiation is just that: a bridge TO a higher state...not THE higher state itself. An individual that has developed ONLY their intellect, to the detriment of the intuition and heart centre, is an incomplete individual indeed!

And the most hilarious thing about all this is that those that are unknowingly stuck in the Luciferian Initiation phase are, 99% of the time, ARROGANT because they erroneously think they are at the HIGHEST state of advancement possible. When, in fact, if there was an arbitrary scale of advancement from 1 to 10, they would be at about 8 - 8.5 max! And, yet, they BEHAVE as if they were like the amplifiers from "Spinal Tap" that "go up to 11"! This is a FABULOUS illusion/delusion to get caught up in and I commend the Dark Luciferians who dreamt up this TOTAL mindfuck for these people to fall into. They really ARE a force to be reckoned with if they can do THIS shit to us!

And, now, a final note about Jesus. What DID Jesus really come here to do? To die "for our sins" on a cross and then get resurrected 3 days later? thing you're gonna tell me is that Justin Bieber is a serious artist, right? Jesus came here to put a SPANNER in the Archontic Control System. To HACK the fucking Matrix like a real-life Neo! You look at the various well known Truthers out there now, like Icke, etc. That's more like what Jesus was....not some wimp that went around asking people to slap him on the other cheek cause He was a masochist! He came to tell the Jews that their "god" was not THE God but a fake...and Archontic impostor --the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth! (see: “the Architect” character in the Matrix 2)

He came to wrest control back from the Archontic PARASITE that had usurped this world and to wake us up to the deception. They killed him....OR not --I'm not too sure if the crucifixion was fatal and I'm not interested in the various Magdalene bloodline theories anymore (unless it was proven that I was a descendant lol!). His message did not die with Him, however, since it was Truth, and Truth CANNOT easily be destroyed. So, 4 centuries later, it had gone VIRAL (yes, even without Facebook, imagine THAT!) and the Master Archon, Yahweh, had to do something! Enter Emperor Constantine, the asshole that gives my name...well, a "bad name". So, he "invented" modern day Christianity: the BIGGEST mindfuck ever perpetrated on mankind to date!!!!! He combined every element of the existing popular religions he could possibly put together and "branded" this evil franchise with the Jesus name --because it was "good for sales" you see! Jesus never got no royalties from this, however...only a bad rap!

Fast forward to the modern day: almost one THIRD of the planet is under the death grip of this behemoth that that Sol Invictus worshipping c*nt, Constantine, created! It is the PERFECT set up for the Archons...those unseen --but VERY REAL-- entities that 'feed' on our Spirit Energy (JUST as it is depicted with the Machines in "the Matrix"!). They have all the major angles covered, this shit is FOOL PROOF almost:

1) It instils us with self-loathing from day one: Original Sin they were "born evil"! What this does, is it makes peoples' Heart Chakras shut down because: if you loathe yourSELF you cannot extend LOVE to any one, or anyTHING else. So it shuts us down in that way; makes us live in Fear.

2) They lie about the reality of Reincarnation: again a master trap! The Archons LOVE this! That way they have a steady supply of "perpetual reincarnation material" that will keep coming back over and OVER again and will likely NEVER wake up from the Matrix. Guaranteed crops to last them FOREVER!

3) It dissuades us from seeking Knowledge! So, never mind the CHRISTIC Initiation, a person who's trapped by the Christianity Mental Construct will not even embark on the Luciferian Initiation to begin with!

4) It makes us hate women, and the Feminine Principle in general. In this way, it keeps us in polarization "us against them", males against females. And, more importantly, it makes men fear/hate their Feminine Aspect within, which is the VERY KEY THAT CAN FREE THEM FROM THE MATRIX!!! It is the connection to The God. It is the ONLY way unlock your Mind from the 5 Sense Matrix...and, so, the Archons want that key safely hidden away FOR ALL TIME, if possible!

5) It makes us passive. We are led to believe that "turning the other cheek" directly equates to "spreading the but cheek for the NWO to, ugh..."

6) They tell us that there is NO Free Will...that God works in "mysterious ways" that He has taken care of EVERYthing and you don't need to do a DAMN thing to change/improve your life circumstances: enter Fatalism, ladies & gentlemen!

I could go on but it's Easter (or is that "Ishtar"?) I'm being unusually lenient today lol!