Jesus & Buddha

Something that is guaranteed to shock any Christian is the little known fact that the Teachings of Jesus were basically the Western version of Buddhism. If Emperor Constantine and his Roman Catholic Church hadn't made mince-meat out of the early Christian Teachings and they were preserved, in tact, I wouldn't have a mission at all, and would've just had an ordinary job somewhere. However, I feel I have a mission (together with other, more famous contemporaries, of course) to restore the original Christian Teachings to their rightful place. Because, in this upside-down world we live in, where white is black and black is white, we see strange things happening around us all the time: like when people say that believing in Reincarnation or in Astrological Ages is "evil" (or something silly like that) without being privy to the fact that the Bible actually makes numerous references to these things and that the first Christians knew the real truth about these matters. Please check this informative video I just found, in order to get an idea of what the real truth is about Christianity, Buddhism, etc: How are Buddha and Christ the same?