Follow your passion...

Post date: Jun 19, 2014 5:40:52 AM

Be happy NOW. Dont wait to reach enlightenment or to get "that house", or "that car" or "that promotion"...or "the girl (or boy)"...or whatever else you are striving for. Because, for one, if and when you DO get there, you may not even like what you find and decide that your expectations were too high and, secondly, why WAIT, anyway? BE happy....and this way you will ATTRACT more of it to you.

I'm certainly not anti-money, as I have quite a strong entrepreneurial streak, apart from my spiritual side. But, honestly, HOW many rich people are miserable? Just working all their lives, virtually 7 days a week, doing 14 hr days, never having time for friends, family or, at the very least, a soul enriching hobby? How many people do we constantly see like this?

I think the solution to all this shit, is to make your HOBBY, or your passion, into your job. Then you will be fulfilled either way, irrespective of financial success. But, as most of you know, when one does a job they love, financial success DOES come 100% of the time anyway...

The only hiccup, though, is that the person has to work up the COURAGE to work on making their hobby into a job. In EVERY single cases, when we do this, there are MASSIVE challenges to overcome, seeing as we are "stepping out of" the safe comfort zone of the Control Matrix. Family never supports us...we lose friends...we lose jobs...we get evicted...we are "chronically" broke...etc, etc. However, you will ALSO find that, almost in every case, when you have a great passion to do a particular job, this career path is also aligned with your Higher Self's Life Mission. The very REASON you feel such a great calling to get into this particular line of work is because there is a "greater purpose" behind it, and not there just to help you pay the rent, buy processed food, waste half your paycheck on a woman that turns out being a succubus in the end ANYWAY...and drink brain cell murdering alcohol every Friday...

If EVERYONE on earth followed their heart and had the balls to take the necessary steps to turn their hobby/passion into a career, much of the world's problems would be mended just from this alone. For one thing, people would be FAR happier. And, also, way more productive. Also, amazing innovations would be made in EVERY field imaginable. Now, however, we have about 80% of the world's population hating their jobs. Do you mean to tell me that the general vibe of the planet WOULDN'T be detrimentally affected by this? Not doing a job you truly love is clearly one of the main causes of unhappiness in the developed countries. Guaranteed!

Think about it...