SRA: Satanic Ritual Abuse

This aspect of the Illuminati problem, is the one people have the most trouble with. Most would be inclined to accept the "alien connection" theories easier than this! The problem is twofold: First off, it boggles the mind that something like this could actually be possible at all, so people just filter it out and dismiss it completely! Secondly, even if they can somehow accept that these practices are indeed based on some type of advanced "spiritual science" and actually work, most people, however, can't believe that another human being would be capable of doing something like this to their fellow humans. Since this is one of the most important topics that I feel obliged to shed some light on, I have broken up this section into different segments, which will each analyze, in great depth, the different aspects that make up this bizarre, heinous and misunderstood subject. The video below serves as a catalyst, to wake you up to the grim truth that there is really something going on with all of this stuff and it is not just "paranoid fantasies" or "Satanic Panic". What is more likely the case is that it is so extremely well organized and secret, that we don't even realize it's happening right under our noses. If you watch the other parts of the video series, you will find out that individuals very high up in Military, Intelligence and Government circles are involved in this, which makes it a no-brainer to understand why the masses are completely oblivious to it -it is, of course, being expertly covered up, by these powerful people! I warn you, once you read through this entire section you will never be the same again...and that is a good thing! Okay, now that you have warmed up with the first video, I have something even more shocking for you next: