What can we do about all this?

After hearing all these disconcerting things about what the Illuminati are doing to the world, what are we supposed to do about it? Am I writing all these things just to make people feel worse than they already do? Hardly!The whole point is to, first, wake people from their HYPNOSIS and, then, get them working towards changing the state of affairs on this planet. Because, the ONLY REASON we got into trouble, in the first place, was because we all stood by and watched, while Evil triumphed, believing that "someone else" will probably do something about it. But this mysterious "someone else" was, more likely than not, also thinking in the same way, and this has now created a world-wide epidemic, where it is considered "the norm" to be totally apathetic and indifferent about the planet's major problems...Problems that affect as all, in a very real way, and are threatening life on this planet as we know it, yet you hear people routinely saying things like: "Well...I know all about that, of course, but what can I do to change it? That's just the way things are, you know..."However, since this attitude is almost guaranteed to either get us all blown up in some apocalyptic Nuclear War, or (much, much worse) enslaved by the Illuminati (who would very much wish to institute a sort of "Global Feudalism", with them at the top) I feel I need to do everything in my power to reverse this trend and get everyone mobilized towards HEALING OUR SICK PLANET...