
On this page, I will try to give a good overview of how it all began with me: to explain how I got to be the way I am and interested in the things I am interested in. Also, we will touch on the topics I deal with in the channeling materials and the website, and why it is so important for the world to be given information of this type right now.

The whole "spiritual journey" with me began in my early twenties, after I got a tarot reading (in a nightclub, of all places!) simply out of curiosity, just to see if it would work. It only cost $10, so I thought I'd give it a try. Besides, the woman giving the readings was very attractive, so this made it even more interesting. Up to this point (having being raised a Greek Orthodox Christian) I didn't believe in any of the "New Age" concepts, nor had I really studied them in depth, as a matter of fact. The main reason for this wasn't because of my religion but rather, because, as a teen, I had lived in Athens, Greece, and, at the time, access to New Age writings was very limited over there. This has changed in recent times but back then (early 90ies) Greece wasn't really up to speed with New Age philosophies and may even be a bit too "stuck" on Greek Orthodoxy today as well. Anyway, the point is that, when I returned to Melbourne, Australia (for many different reasons of mine) in late '96, I slowly broke away from that tunnel vision mind-frame, that said "everything except Greek Orthodox faith is Satanic" or something like get the point.

It's not that I really bought into this type of thinking, anyway (I had always been questioning and debating religion, since my early teens), but it was virtually impossible to get access to New Age material in Greece back then. So, it was more of an environ-mental thing than the religious upbringing, itself, that held me back. Since I never listened to authority figures, I would've definitely gotten my hands on New Age writings if there were any to be found, no matter what my priest or my dad said. In fact, I have a funny story about this...

See, in Athens, door to door book selling is a big thing and you always get someone coming around with their encyclopedias or whatever. So, when I was about seventeen, I happened to be home alone when a guy came knocking and was selling a series on "supernatural" topics or whatever you want to call it. Looking back on it now, I realize that the books were about chakras, ESP and things like that. It was like a six book series on New Age topics. Now, I didn't know anything about New Age or Buddhism or Reincarnation or anything like that, at that point, but I was extremely curious and the topics seemed fascinating! So what do you think happened?...I decided to buy the books, of course!

But, because I was underage, I had to get permission from my dad because I bought them on lay-buy or something. So, I don't exactly remember 100% how it happened, but I must've told the guy to come back later when my dad would be there. The great thing about this story is that I didn't see the books as dangerous or "evil' or anything like that, so I never expected that my father would react how he did. It took me totally by surprise to see him go ballistic at me and telling the salesman to go away and that he shouldn't have tried to sell these things to me, etc. Now, my father is a reasonable and very intelligent man (though I must say that, as a teenager, I may not have exactly admitted or even realized this obvious fact) and seeing him blow up, when he saw the books, was something that made me very cautious about mentioning these subjects in future. But the story, of course, doesn't end here. This is where it gets really good!

This event, apparently, caused such alarm that an uncle even came over to see me on the weekend, specifically to talk to me about the dangers of the occult, etc. This guy, even though he was one of my favorite uncles and a very fair person (we also share the same first name), was a bit too religious for my tastes. But I went with it (since the exchange for free rent and food, is good behavior) and just kept nodding. Partly I am mentioning this story out of my own selfish purposes, because I thought it was hilarious that they brought him over to "re-brainwash me" back into Greek Orthodoxy but, mainly, it is mentioned so I can clearly Illustrate what type of environment I came from. And, from this, I would like to inspire people that are, perhaps, new to the New Age teachings and might think that there would be no way they could overcome the deep seeded "programing" of their religious upbringing. All I can tell you is: if I have become this "super-duper" psychic (I may even one day qualify for South Park's "Second Biggest Douche in the Universe Award" after John Edward...who knows?) considering my boring beginnings, then absolutely anyone and everyone can snap out of their respective religious conditioning. For the following is really the main purpose of my work:


And this will become increasingly evident, as you read more and more of my materials. But, I need to finish the story regarding that tarot reading by the beautiful woman, who, incredibly, had set up shop in a Melbourne nightclub that night. What happened, as you may have guessed, is that the reading completely floored me! She knew exactly what I was going through at home, what was troubling me, etc. So, after this complete shock, I became increasingly obsessed with New Age topics. It was a gradual process, I guess, but, before I knew it, I had become a typical "New Ager". Eventually, of course, while on the journey to New Age-hood, I stumbled on the fact that Meditation was ultimately the key to everything and that it was the most important thing to learn. So, about a couple of years after the pivotal moment of the "nightclub tarot reading" I went through a three month period where I repeatedly kept trying to meditate, without success. Of course, by "trying to meditate" I am referring to the traditional, old-fashioned way of merely siting down, closing one's eyes and trying to stop all thoughts. Now, something like this is virtually impossible for a Westerner, as we all know. So I never managed to do it properly. The maximum time I managed to sit on the armchair and "stop my thoughts" was maybe 10 minutes...and that's overstating it!

A few months later, however, a first cousin (who I've always been very close with and was undergoing a similar spiritual awakening) was very excited because he claimed to have found the "ultimate" Meditation system. I didn't have a clue what he was talking about, at first, and was skeptical but he insisted that he had figured out a way for us to meditate successfully. At the time that's what we were both searching for, so it was a godsend. Anyway, the system he was talking about turned out being none other than the well known Holosync Meditation CD and we eventually bought it and tried it out...

Now, let me begin by saying that, clearly, this is not a paid infomercial or anything, and I'm just writing this out of my own volition, but I can swear to you that Holosync delivered the goods better than I ever imagined! It is one of the handful of things in my life that actually exceeded my expectations and was, in fact, too good to be true. For those who have seen Part 1 of the you-tube videos, you would've noticed I briefly cite Holosync as being the main thing that has made me into the channel I am today. I could go on forever about it, because it has affected me in so many profound ways, but all I will say is that whatever amazing claims you've heard about it are all true because I am a living example. So, I feel I need to let people know how good it is because it can help a lot of people. And, on a different level, it could help produce many more mediums that would channel their own unique aspects of the God Mind.

This is something the planet needs desperately now, so Meditation is not just a personal thing, at this stage of our evolution. The people who are contemplating taking up Meditation need to understand that they are, ultimately, doing it for the good of all, and not merely for themselves. I am the perfect example of a regular guy that didn't even know what Meditation was when he was 20 and, 14 years later, here I am, putting channeling material on the internet that I believe will change the world for the better. So, you need to understand that any spiritual development work one does, ultimately leads to something "bigger than themselves" when they get to a certain level of advancement. So it would be a terrible pity if we don't get as many people on the "spiritual bandwagon" as possible, doing their own unique part in bringing some much needed Light into this broken and tired world.

Certainly a big part of the problem is suppression of this information by the mainstream Media...but now I'm itching to start mentioning conspiracy theories, of course. I wasn't going to mention the Illuminati conspiracies straight from the intro but I guess it is essential. For those of you who don't already know, the mainstream Media in the Western world is owned by very few people, who do not wish us to know about information that may empower us in any way. These people are either the Illuminati, themselves, or are affiliated with them. In any case, however exactly the arrangement works, at the end of the day the Illuminati end up controlling the mainstream Media whether we like it or not. I will give a brief overview on who or what these people that we hear about in Dan Brown books and from researchers like David Icke, etc, are supposed to be. By the way, while we may hear this name a lot, the Illuminati do not really call themselves by this name.

To start off, I'll simply say that all they really are is a network of powerful families that have been in positions of power for thousand of years. That's the simple, sober explanation. Conspiracy theories like this have a tendency of becoming too outlandish; and making connections to aliens (and other things like that), at the drop of a hat, seems to be a trend in this community. So, while there may very well be a "supernatural" connection with these rich families that don't really care about us and consider us cattle, more than anything, I will leave this aspect of it for another time and place. All I need to mention now is that they are ancient families that have been accustomed to being in privileged positions of power. They are the supposedly "royal" bloodlines that have ruled Mankind since before recorded history. Of course, you might naturally ask: "So what's wrong with that? Someone has to rule." Yes, that's true. Someone has to rule. But the problem all the alternative historians/researchers have with the Illuminati is that they clearly have either become progressively more corrupt and are, now, completely corrupted by their immense power, or -even more disturbingly- they were always evil to begin with. Whichever one of the two is correct, the result is the same: we are faced with a nightmare situation on earth and we need to expose and then depose these people ASAP!

But a little more on who these people are now:

Like I said above, they are ancient families that have had the "right to rule" by virtue of their royal blood. Now, many people might think this is unrealistic, of course. But this is the expected reaction from the general public...because we are never, EVER told about these things in the Mass Media, which, of course, is highly centralized and serves the interests of only a very few super-rich, dynastic families! I urge you to do some research on all the things I am saying before you rule them out as fantasies. Read some David Icke or Michael Tsarion (and you will certainly stumble on many others like them, while looking these two guys up) if you want to see all the genealogical details of the Illuminati or their connections with ancient times, etc. The info is out there, if one would but look. (click here for a list of recommended websites)

So, basically, these guys are dynastic/royal families that have been gathering more and more power, over the centuries and, now, it has come to the point where they own almost the entire earth. But a lot of us (including me) don't seem to understand why, for example, would a family that already has a trillion dollars be prepared to engineer a war, where thousands of innocent people will die so they could make another trillion? Well, we can't understand it because we're not them, that's why.

For example, if an 8 year old boy is given $1000 it would seem like all the money in the world to him! He would think he'd never need to work again. If their older brother, who is 25, complains about needing $3,000 just to get a new paint job on his car, the 8 year old will be shocked and wouldn't understand. Well, in a very similar fashion, humanity at large, is like that little boy who can't understand "adult economics". What we fail to realize is that, to these people, having a trillion dollars and controlling a whole country is the norm. It's just a "day in the life" to them, if you know what I mean. So, when we see these Elites creating wars for profits that may come from plundering the natural resources of a conquered country, or from arms sales, or from the loans that the Banksters have given to both sides, etc, it may seem like pure evil to us but, to them, it's just another day in the office. This might take a while to process...but that's what the problem is, in a nutshell.

They, being generational, dynastic families, have never really had any "hardships" at any recent point in their history. They have been the privileged elite class, since time immemorial and all that has happened is they've just become more and more powerful. Now, like I said earlier, they may or may not have started off as "evil" thousands of years ago but, at this point in our planet's evolution, they have become the cancer of the planet because, due to the way they are brought up, they have no regard for anything other than themselves and are mostly preoccupied with gaining more power! It's difficult to believe but that's the mentality they have and they are stuck in this "loop of greed and power" which makes them behave the way they do and do the things they do to us. We will never fully understand their mentality until we become them. And, because we can never "become them", we could only approximate how their minds work. But I guess all I can say is that the ability to feel compassion for an individual human is indirectly proportionate to the number of humans one rules over. So, since these Illuminati families control the entire world, obviously their compassion for the individual person is virtually non-existent! Perhaps, to them, it is a practical matter. Maybe anybody in their position would be equally cold, out of necessity. Because, let's be honest, it is true that if you ruled six billion people, you wouldn't be bothered about pleasing everyone all of the time. You wouldn't be able to! So, maybe there is an element of "not understanding what it's like to be in such a responsible position of power" from our side.

But, all that this really tells us is that when power is concentrated in the hands of the few, then they inevitably become tyrants, whether or not they were such to begin with, because power corrupts. So, it seems that we are faced with a problematic system more than specific individuals. And the Aquarian Age energies pouring into the planet are designed to transform the current systems on earth, one of them being the political power structures. That the individuals we collectively refer to as the Illuminati, happen to be caught up in that Piscean Age (the current age, which is just ending now and giving way to the Aquarian one) system of governance and control, is just happenstance really. If these people were removed, killed, jailed, whatever, there would always be others willing to take their place. So to really and properly solve this global infestation, we need to transform the system. And this is the true meaning of the Aquarian Age.

You see, we can't just be going around saying: "Well, all we need to do is remove the Illuminati and then it'll all be just'll see". No! We must remove the reason that the Illuminati problem was able to materialize in the first place! Similarly, with War, we don't create a world-wide police force (i.e: the UN) that will scare nations into "not fighting" with each other. No! Instead we eliminate the cause of War! See, what this New Age really is, is just a giant Global Meditation Session where the whole world will be clearing out all its negative behaviour patterns that it has been stuck in for millennia. This is the true meaning of Aquarius! Imagine the whole planet as being one giant, sentient system (and it really is!), of which we are merely one aspect of, and this living entity has now decided to break out of the negative behaviour patterns it has been stuck in. That's what the Aquarian Age really is: Mother Earth's Spring Clean! Everything else we see happening around us, is just a by-product of this pivotal event! These Illuminati chaps (who, incredibly, are suffering more than all of us due to being the most miserable people on earth) are just actors on a stage, playing their parts like we all are.

They are just a manifestation of the problem not THE problem. Their role is to teach the world what happens when we let power concentrate in the hands of a small group and leave them unchecked to do whatever they want, believing they will "do the right thing". Well, it turns out that we were proven wrong and has been a fabulous lesson for humanity, which will DEFINITELY NOT GO TO WASTE, I CAN ASSURE YOU. The reason is that (once these people fulfill their role and the entire system is replaced and transformed) we will put it down in our history in such a way that it will never be forgotten. Because, while I've been saying that the Illuminati are not the problem, "per se", the problems they are causing are, nevertheless, threatening to destroy the planet. And this is, by no means, an understatement! The planet is on the brink of destruction and will never make it if we don't create a mass awakening very soon! Information is the highest of commodities, in this game! And this they know, which is why they have managed to control the key points of information flow: the Mass Media!

If people had easy access to this information, then 90% of the world's problems would be solved. It would just happen automatically; it would be the default, standard procedure. People would know what is happening and, then, through a chain reaction, it would just snow ball and the world would change in a manner of a few years. For one thing, not a single soldier would go to war, if they were all well informed about what is truly going on behind the scenes, in the highest levels of government, and why wars are really fought! So there's one of the Elite's little power-games that would be totally derailed.

Then, if people knew the whole truth about the Banking system and the scam that is called Taxation, then virtually nobody would pay tax or put their money in banks. And it would go on like this with all the other control systems they have taken over. People would maybe even refuse to send their kids to school, they would know how to fight the corruption of the Court Systems etc, etc.

But if the masses don't know that they are being cheated, lied to, robbed, sent to sham wars, being systematically brainwashed and, yes, even routinely abducted and sacrificed in horrific satanic rituals by these people, then they wouldn't do anything to stop it would they? So, that' s why information is the NUMBER ONE THING in this war to save Mother Earth and why the internet is the most important weapon we have in this war.

So my biggest plea to you is to tell everyone you know about these things without worrying whether you might lose a friend or two or if people will laugh at you.

And I'm not exactly overly concerned about promoting my writings, specifically. We need to tell people about everyone and anyone that talks about similar things and, in this way, we can become stronger as one group and everything will just snowball and, very soon, THIS KNOWLEDGE WILL FINALLY BECOME MAINSTREAM! Because that's what needs to happen, if we are to leave a normal and safe world for our children and grandchildren to live in. I pray that at least this will motivate you, if nothing else that I have said up to this point has.

With Love,
