VIII. Holocaust denial: How is it even possible?

Trying to say that the Holocaust didn't really happen is kind of like saying that the sky is purple or something likewise insane. While, admittedly, Zionists go a bit too far with their "antisemitism" charges, Holocaust denial should be tantamount to a capital crime! While even a blind man can see that the "antisemitism" card is used and abused for every little thing, this website and I both stand for the Truth and there is no bias or favoritism shown to anyone or anything, under any circumstances! So, in the case of the Holocaust deniers, since they are blatantly (and knowingly) wrong, they stand charged as racist, ignorant bigots, in my books. They are a lot like those "Scientists", who purposely ignore any and all proof that might expand their pea-sized conception of universe beyond the Third-Dimension, because they had already decided on their conclusion before they even examined the evidence.

The Holocaust deniers "proof"...