Satanic Paedophile Networks

Gunderson here explains how he discovered that there were indeed tunnels underneath the preschool from the McMartin Case.

Please check this article about a massive child prostitution ring bust. The people involved in this, however, were not part of the Elite Satanist Network, but I provided the link to illustrate that if ordinary, low-life dregs of society can pull this off, then the Generational Satanists can do it with their hands tied behind their backs!

This damning David Icke article proves this point triumphantly. Also, this article about the Belgian child murderer, Marc Dutroux, makes it plain to see that he most definitely wasn't working alone! The lengths this clique goes to, in order to cover these unholy, monstrous activities up, boggles the mind! They say "where there's smoke, there's fire"...well, the house has just about burned to the ground WITH US IN IT and we are still fast asleep! It's time to wake up world!


Killing 3,000 of their own people in the 9/11 "terrorist" attacks, and then sending young men to die for them (while killing innocent Iraqi civilians, in the process) in Iraq for profits, and to consolidate their ever-waning power, is one thing, but to be systematically violating children -SWEET, INNOCENT CHILDREN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!- in this way, is an affront against everything decent I can possibly think of!

These people need to be caught and removed from power! Spreading this information is but the first step; what we really need to do is break up these networks. However, this may take some doing, of course. But it is still my ultimate goal as far as the Satanic Paedophile issue is concerned.

Some sort of world-wide group needs to be formed in order to do this. One of the purposes of trying to become known in the you tube New Age/Conspiracy community, through my videos, and of setting up this site is because of the networking opportunities this will create. The plan is to band together with others who either want to or who are already taking real-world, practical steps toward stopping these underground networks. Because, I may be wrong, but the properly appointed authorities DO NOT seem to be doing anything about this because powerful individuals, above them, are thwarting their efforts. Or, in other words, THERE IS A HUGE COVER-UP BEING CARRIED OUT!

Last, but not least, any help from readers, in this regard, is greatly appreciated. Please send me any suggestions on how we could best accomplish something like this...